\name{matchpt} \alias{matchpt} \docType{methods} \title{Nearest neighbor search.} \description{ Find the nearest neighbors of a set of query points in the same or another set of points in an n-dimensional real vector space, using the Euclidean distance. } \usage{ matchpt(x, y) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A matrix (or vector) of coordinates. Each row represents a point in an \code{ncol(x)}-dimensional real vector space.} \item{y}{Optional, matrix (or vector) with the same number of columns as \code{x}.} } \details{ If \code{y} is provided, the function searches for each point in \code{x} its nearest neighbor in \code{y}. If \code{y} is missing, it searches for each point in \code{x} its nearest neighbor in \code{x}, excluding that point itself. In the case of ties, only the neighbor with the smaller index is given. The implementation is simple and of complexity \code{nrow(x)} times \code{nrow(y)}. For larger problems, please consider one of the many more efficient nearest neighbor search algorithms. } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with two columns and \code{nrow(x)} rows. The first column is the index of the nearest neighbor, the second column the distance to the nearest neighbor. If \code{y} was given, the index is a row number in \code{y}, otherwise, in \code{x}. The row names of the result are those of \code{x}. } \author{ Oleg Sklyar \email{osklyar@ebi.ac.uk} } \examples{ a <- matrix(c(2,2,3,5,1,8,-1,4,5,6), ncol=2L, nrow=5L) rownames(a) = LETTERS[seq_len(nrow(a))] matchpt(a) b <- c(1,2,4,5,6) d <- c(5.3, 3.2, 8.9, 1.3, 5.6, -6, 4.45, 3.32) matchpt(b, d) matchpt(d, b) } \keyword{manip} \keyword{array}