\name{copyEnv} \alias{copyEnv} \title{List-Environment interactions} \description{ These functions can be used to make copies of environments, or to get/assign all of the objects inside of an environment. } \usage{ copyEnv(oldEnv, newEnv, all.names=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{oldEnv}{An environment to copy from} \item{newEnv}{An environment to copy to. If missing, a new environment with the same parent environment as oldEnv.} \item{all.names}{Whether to retrieve objects with names that start with a dot.} } \details{ \code{copyEnv}: This function will make a copy of the contents from \code{oldEnv} and place them into \code{newEnv}. } \author{Jeff Gentry and R. Gentleman} \seealso{\code{\link{environment}}, \code{\link{as.list}}} \examples{ z <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=emptyenv(), size=29L) multiassign(c("a","b","c"), c(1,2,3), z) a <- copyEnv(z) ls(a) } \keyword{utilities}