\name{biocReposList} \alias{biocReposList} \title{Return a list of Bioconductor package repositories} \description{ WARNING: The \code{biocReposList} function is deprecated! This function returns a named character vector of Bioconductor package repositories. The vector can be used as the \code{repos} argument to \code{install.packages} and friends. } \usage{ biocReposList() } \details{ The repository URLs are hardcoded for each release. } \value{ \item{bioc}{URL for Bioc software package repository} \item{aData}{URL for Bioc annotation data package repository} \item{eData}{URL for Bioc experiment data package repository} \item{extra}{URL for Bioc extra repository} \item{cran}{URL for CRAN package repository.} } \author{S. Falcon} \examples{ ## This function is deprecated. Please use biocLite() to install packages: if (interactive()) { source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("hgu95av2.db") } ## If you really need to get the list of Bioconductor package repositories ## (like biocReposList() does), then do: source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocinstallRepos() # PLEASE USE THIS, NOT biocReposList() } \keyword{utilities}