\name{featureSSC} \alias{featureSSC} \alias{getDSSP} \alias{predictPROTEUS} \title{Feature Coding by secondary structure} \description{ It is suitable for peptides with odd residues and the central residue has important role. } \usage{ featureSSC(secondaryStructure, confidenceScore) # secondary structure from DSSP database getDSSP(pdb) # Protein secondary structure prediction predictPROTEUS(seq,proteus2.organism="euk") } \arguments{ \item{secondaryStructure}{a string vector for the protein secondary structure. It is consisted of three kinds of secondary structures: H = Helix, E = Beta Strand, C = Coil.} \item{confidenceScore}{a string vector for the confidence score of secondary structure prediction (0-9, 0 = low, 9 = high).} \item{pdb}{a string vector for the name of pdb structure. (e.g. "43ca")} \item{seq}{a string vector for the protein, DNA, or RNA sequences.} \item{proteus2.organism}{a string for the organism of proteus2 program. This must be one of the strings "gram-", "gram+", "euk".} } \details{ \code{\link{featureSSC}} codes for the secondary structure of the central residue of peptides. It is suitable for peptides with odd residues and the central residue has important role. \code{\link{getDSSP}} returns a vector of secondary structure extracted from DSSP database (\url{http://swift.cmbi.ru.nl/gv/dssp/}). \code{\link{predictPROTEUS}} predicts secondary structure based on protein sequence using following methods : "PROTEUS2", "PSIPRED", "JNET", "TRANSSEC", "JURY-OF-EXPERTS PREDICTION". Parameter "proteus2.organism" can be "gram-" for "Gram negative prokaryote", "gram+" for "Gram positive prokaryote", "euk" for "Eukaryote". It returns..... } \author{Hong Li} \examples{ if(interactive()){ file = file.path(.path.package("BioSeqClass"), "example", "acetylation_K.fasta") tmp = readFASTA(file) proteinSeq = sapply(tmp,function(x){x[["seq"]]}) names(proteinSeq) = sapply(tmp,function(x){x[["desc"]]}) DSSP1 = getDSSP(c("108l","43ca")) DSSP2 = getDSSP(c("108l","43ca","aaaa")) ## Predict protein secordary strucutre PROTEUS = predictPROTEUS(proteinSeq[1:2],proteus2.organism="euk") ## Use general feature conding functions to codes protein secordary strucutre secondaryStructure = sapply(PROTEUS,function(x){paste(x[["PROTEUS2"]]$SecondaryStructure,collapse="")}) confidenceScore = sapply(PROTEUS,function(x){paste(x[["PROTEUS2"]]$ConfidenceScore,collapse="")}) SSCTD = featureCTD(secondaryStructure, class=list("H"="H","E"="E","C"="C")) # Codes for peptides which have equal length and their central residues are important secondaryStructure = sapply(PROTEUS,function(x){sub.seq(paste(x[["PROTEUS2"]]$SecondaryStructure,collapse=""), 1, 11)}) confidenceScore = sapply(PROTEUS,function(x){sub.seq(paste(x[["PROTEUS2"]]$ConfidenceScore,collapse=""), 1, 11)}) SS1 = featureSSC(secondaryStructure, confidenceScore) } }