\name{featureHydro} \alias{featureHydro} \alias{featureACH} \title{Feature Coding by hydrophobicity} \description{ Protein sequences are coded based on their hydrophobicity. } \usage{ featureHydro(seq,hydro.method="SARAH1") featureACH(seq,hydro.index="hydroE") } \arguments{ \item{seq}{a string vector for the protein, DNA, or RNA sequences.} \item{hydro.method}{a string for the method of coding protein hydrophobic effect. This must be one of the strings "kpm" or "SARAH1".} \item{hydro.index}{a string for the method of coding protein hydrophobic effect. This must be one of the strings "hydroE", "hydroF" or "hydroC".} } \details{ \code{\link{featureHydro}} returns a matrix measuring the hydrophobic effect. Parameter "hydro.method" supported following coding methods: "kpm": use a numeral to indicating the hydrophobic effect of amino acid. Each sequence is coded by a N dimension numeric vector. "SARAH1": use a 5 dimension 0-1 vector to indicating the hydrophobic effect of amino acid. Each sequence is coded by a 5*N dimension 0-1 vector. \code{\link{featureACH}} returns a matrix with (N-1)/2 columns. N is the length of input sequence, andis N must be odd. Central residue of all windows are the central residue of input sequence. Each column is the average cumulative hydrophobicity over a sliding window. } \author{Hong Li} \examples{ if(interactive()){ file = file.path(.path.package("BioSeqClass"), "example", "acetylation_K.pos40.pep") seq = as.matrix(read.csv(file,header=F,sep="\t",row.names=1))[,1] H1 = featureHydro(seq,"kpm") H2 = featureHydro(seq,"SARAH1") H3 = featureACH(seq,hydro.index="hydroE") H3 = featureACH(seq,hydro.index="hydroF") H3 = featureACH(seq,hydro.index="hydroC") } }