\name{featureDOMAIN} \alias{featureDOMAIN} \alias{predictPFAM} \title{Feature Coding by doamin organization} \description{ Protein sequences are coded based on their domains. } \usage{ featureDOMAIN(domain) # Protein Pfam domain prediction predictPFAM(seq, hmmpfam.path, pfam.path, Evalue=10^-5) } \arguments{ \item{domain}{a list of protein domains. It can be produced by function \code{\link{predictPFAM}}.} \item{seq}{a string vector for the protein, DNA, or RNA sequences.} \item{hmmpfam.path}{a string for the path of hammpfam program in HMMER. hammpfam will be employed to predict domains using models in Pfam database.} \item{pfam.path}{a string for the path of pfam domain database.} \item{Evalue}{a numeric value for the E-value cutoff of perdicted Pfam domain.} } \details{ \code{\link{featureDOMAIN}} uses Pfam domains to code 0-1 feature vector. \code{\link{predictPFAM}} predict Pfam domains by hmmpfam program. It returns a list, each element is a vector which denotes the domain composition of a protein. } \author{Hong Li} \examples{ if(interactive()){ } }