\name{featureAAindex} \alias{featureAAindex} \alias{featureACI} \alias{featureACF} \title{Feature Coding by physicochemical/biochemical properties in AAindex } \description{ Protein sequences are coded based on the physicochemical/biochemical properties of amino acids in AAindex database. } \usage{ featureAAindex(seq,aaindex.name="all") featureACI(seq,aaindex.name="all") featureACF(seq,n,aaindex.name="all") } \arguments{ \item{seq}{a string vector for the protein, DNA, or RNA sequences.} \item{aaindex.name}{a string for the name of physicochemical and biochemical properties in AAindx.} \item{n}{an integer used as paramter of \code{\link{featureACF}} (1<=n<=L-2, L is the the length of sequence). featureACF takes the auto-correlation between fragment X(1)...X(L-m) and X(m+1)...X(L) (1<=m<=n) as features. } } \details{ \code{\link{featureAAindex}} returns a matrix measuring the physicochemical and biochemical properties of amino acids by AAindex (\url{http://www.genome.jp/aaindex}). If parameter aaindex.name="all", all properties in AAindex will be considered, and each row represented the features of one sequence coding by a 531*N dimension numeric vector. If parameter aaindex.name is a name of property in AAindex, each row represented the features of one sequence coding by a N dimension numeric vector. \code{\link{featureACI}} returns a matrix with 531 columns, measuring the average cumulative value of AAindex. N is the length of input sequence, and N must be odd. Central residue of all windows are the central residue of input sequence. Each column is the average cumulative AAindex over a sliding window. \code{\link{featureACF}} returns a matrix with 531*n columns, measuring the Auto-Correlation Function (ACF) of AAindex. If parameter aaindex.name is a name of property in AAindex, each row represented the features of one sequence coding by a n dimension numeric vector. } \author{Hong Li} \examples{ if(interactive()){ file = file.path(.path.package("BioSeqClass"), "example", "acetylation_K.pos40.pep") seq = as.matrix(read.csv(file,header=F,sep="\t",row.names=1))[,1] AI_all = featureAAindex(seq) AI_ANDN920101 = featureAAindex(seq,"ANDN920101") ACI_all = featureACI(seq) ACI_ANDN920101 = featureACI(seq,"ANDN920101") ACF_all_1 = featureACF(seq,1) ACF_ANDN920101_3 = featureACF(seq,3,"ANDN920101") } }