\name{makeOrgPackageFromNCBI} \alias{makeOrgPackageFromNCBI} \alias{makeOrgPackageFromBiomart} \title{ Making an organism package from annotations available from NCBI. } \description{ The \code{makeOrgPackageFromNCBI} function allows the user to make an organism package from NCBI annotations available from the NCBI. } \usage{ makeOrgPackageFromNCBI( version=, maintainer, author, outputDir=".", tax_id, genus, species) } \arguments{ \item{version}{What is the version number for this package?} \item{maintainer}{Who is the package maintainer? (must include email to be valid)} \item{author}{Who is the creator of this package?} \item{outputDir}{A path where the package source should be assembled.} \item{tax_id}{The Taxonomy ID that represents your organism. (NCBI has a nice online browser for finding the one you need)} \item{genus}{Single string indicating the genus.} \item{species}{Single string indicating the species.} } \value{Nothing returned to the R session. Just creates an organism annotation package.} \author{ M. Carlson } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## Makes an organism package for Zebra Finch from NCBI: makeOrgPackageFromNCBI(version = "0.1", author = "Some One ", maintainer = "Some One ", outputDir = ".", tax_id = "59729", genus = "Taeniopygia", species = "guttata") } }