\name{@ANNOBJPREFIX@GO2ENZYMEID} \alias{@ANNOBJPREFIX@GO2ENZYMEID} \title{An annotation data object that maps Gene Ontology (GO) identifiers to Enzyme Commission numbers} \description{ @ANNOBJPREFIX@GO2ENZYMEID maps GO identifiers to Enzyme Commission numbers } \details{ This is an R object containing key and value pairs. Keys are GO identifiers and values are Enzyme Commission numbers. Values are vectors of length 1. GO identifiers can not be mapped to any Enzyme Commission number are assigned NAs. Mappings are based on data provided by: @GO2ENZYMEIDSOURCE@ } \references{ \url{ftp://ftp.genome.ad.jp/pub/kegg/pathways} } \examples{ xx <- as.list(@ANNOBJPREFIX@GO2ENZYMEID) if(length(xx) > 0){ # Get the value of the first key xx[[1]] # Get values for a few keys if(length(xx) >= 3){ xx[1:3] } } } \keyword{datasets}