\name{@ANNOBJPREFIX@ARACYC} \alias{@ANNOBJPREFIX@ARACYC} \title{Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers} \description{ AraCyc \url{http://www.arabidopsis.org/tools/aracyc/} maintains pathway data for Arabidopsis thaliana. @ANNOBJPREFIX@ARACYC maps probe identifiers to the common names of the pathways in which the genes represented by the probe identifiers are involved. Information is obtained from AraCyc. } \details{ Annotation based on data provided by: @ARACYCSOURCE@ } \references{ \url{http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/} } \examples{ x <- @ANNOBJPREFIX@ARACYC # Get the probe identifiers that are mapped to pathways mapped_probes <- mappedkeys(x) # Convert to a list xx <- as.list(x[mapped_probes]) if(length(xx) > 0) { # Get the pathways for the first five probes xx[1:5] # For the first probe xx[[1]] } } \keyword{datasets}