\name{esetMicroRna} \alias{esetMicroRna} \title{ ExpressionSet object from a uRNAList } \description{ It creates an 'ExpressionSet' object from a 'uRNAList' with unique probe names Tipically, the 'uRNAList object' contains the Total Gene Processed data } \usage{ esetMicroRna(uRNAList, targets, makePLOT=FALSE,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{uRNAList}{An uRNAList containing normally the processed data } \item{targets}{data.frame with the targets structure } \item{makePLOT}{logical, if \code{TRUE} it makes a 'heatmap' with the 100 greater variance genes, a 'hierarchical cluster' with all the genes and a pca plot } \item{verbose}{logical, if \code{TRUE} prints out output} } \details{ It creates an ExpressionSet object from a uRNAList. Usually this function is applied to an uRNAList object containing the Total Gene Processed data. } \value{ An ExpressionSet object } \author{ Pedro Lopez-Romero } \seealso{ An 'uRNAList' example containing proccesed data is in \code{ddPROC} and an overview of how the processed data is produced is given in \code{filterMicroRna} } \keyword{documentation} \keyword{utilities}