\name{dimnames.uRNAList} \alias{dimnames.uRNAList} \alias{dimnames<-.uRNAList} \title{Retrieve the Dimension Names of an uRNAList Object} \description{ Retrieve the dimension names of a microarray data object. } \usage{ \method{dimnames}{uRNAList}(x) \method{dimnames}{uRNAList}(x) <- value } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{uRNAList}} \item{value}{a possible value for \code{dimnames(x)}} } \details{ The dimension names of a microarray object are the same as those of the most important matrix component of that object. A consequence is that \code{rownames} and \code{colnames} will work as expected. This function and this file, has been borrowed from the files created by Gordon Smyth for the limma package. } \value{ Either \code{NULL} or a list of length 2. } \author{Pedro Lopez-Romero} \keyword{array}