\name{AffyDegradationBatch-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{AffyDegradationBatch-class} \alias{AffyDegradationBatch,ANY} \alias{AffyDegradationBatch} \alias{d} \alias{afbatch} \alias{plotDx} \alias{d,AffyDegradationBatch-method} \alias{afbatch,AffyDegradationBatch-method} \alias{plotDx,AffyDegradationBatch-method} \title{Class AffyDegradationBatch} \description{This class represents Affymetrix GeneChip probe level data that has been analysed and corrected for the probe location bias.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created using the function \code{RNADegradation}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{location.type}:}{Object of class \code{character} describing the type of probe position used for the analysis (probe index or probe location).} \item{\code{afbatch}:}{Object of class \code{AffyBatch} containing corrected probe level data.} \item{\code{stats}:}{Object of class \code{matrix} containg various statistical parameters from the analysis.} \item{\code{means.pm}:}{Object of class \code{matrix} containing the average PM probe intensites for probe locations of expressed genes.} \item{\code{means.mm}:}{Object of class \code{matrix} containing the average MM probe intensites for probe locations of expressed genes.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{afbatch}{\code{signature(x = "AffyDegradationBatch")}: returns as \code{AffyBatch} object containing corrected probe level data.} \item{d}{\code{signature(x = "AffyDegradationBatch")}: returns a vector with a measure of RNA degradation for each sample} \item{plotDx}{\code{signature(x = "AffyDegradationBatch")}: plots the probe location bias for all samples of the experiment.} }} \author{Mario Fasold } \examples{ if (require(AmpAffyExample)) { # Get example data data(AmpData) affy.deg <- RNADegradation(AmpData[,4]) ## Plot degradation plotDx(affy.deg) ## Get degradation measure d(affy.deg) ## Get AffyBatch object with corrected probe intensities afbatch(affy.deg) } } \seealso{AffyBatch} \keyword{classes}