\name{write.agdex.result} \alias{write.agdex.result} \title{ Write the AGDEX results to output file } \description{ A function to write the results of an AGDEX analysis to a tab-delimited text output file that can be viewed in Excel or re-imported with the function \emph{read.agdex.result}. } \usage{ write.agdex.result(agdex.res, out.file) } \arguments{ \item{agdex.res}{ result object produced by the \emph{agdex} function } \item{out.file}{ name of the output file } } \author{ Stan Pounds<\email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Cuilan Lani Gao<\email{cuilan.gao@stjude.org}> } \seealso{ \code{\link{read.agdex.result}} \code{\link{agdex}} } \examples{ data(agdex.res) \dontrun{ #set the wording dictionary setwd("localWorking dictionary") #write the agdex result to an out file \dontrun{ write.agdex.result(agdex.res, "agdex.result.txt") } #read the result file stored on dist back into R agdex.res2 <- read.agdex.result("agdex.result.txt") } }