\name{make.dex.set.object} \alias{make.dex.set.object} \title{Make a list object for function agdex()} \description{ This function generates a list object containing four components for function agdex() } % end description \usage{ make.dex.set.object(Eset.data, comp.var, comp.def, gset.collection) } \arguments{ \item{Eset.data}{an \emph{ExpressionSet} object carries the gene expression data (Exprs) and Phenotype data (pData)} \item{comp.var}{the column name or numeric index for group labels in \emph{pData} of object \emph{Eset.data}} \item{comp.def}{a string definition of comparison, group labels connected by "-"} \item{gset.collection}{an object belongs to class \emph{GeneSetCollection}} } \details{ The ExpressionSet includes two components: \emph{exprs}: a matrix of expression values \emph{pData}: a data frame contains the sample IDs and their assigned group labels. \emph{gset.collection} contains a GeneSetCollection object defined in the Bioconductor package GSEABase. The \emph{gset.collection} object must use the same identifiers for probe-sets as that used in the \emph{exprs} component of \emph{Eset.data}. } \value{ A list object containing the four components described in \emph{argument} section. } \author{ Stan Pounds <\email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Cuilan Lani Gao <\email{cuilan.gao@stjude.org}> } \seealso{ ExpressionSet class: \link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}. GeneSetCollection class: \link[GSEABase]{GeneSetCollection}. \code{\link{agdex}}; \code{\link{write.agdex.result}}; \code{\link{agdex.scatterplot}}; \code{\link{get.gset.result.details}}; \code{\link{read.agdex.gset.details}}; \code{\link{read.agdex.gset.details}}; } \examples{ # load data data(human.data) data(mouse.data) data(gset.data) # make dex.set object for human data dex.set.human <- make.dex.set.object(human.data, comp.var=2, comp.def="human.tumor.typeD-other.human.tumors", gset.collection=gset.data) # make dex.set object for mouse data dex.set.mouse <- make.dex.set.object(mouse.data, comp.var=2, comp.def="mouse.tumor-mouse.control", gset.collection=NULL) }