\name{get.gset.result.details} \alias{get.gset.result.details} \title{Extract gene-level details from gene-set results} \description{ A function to extract the probe-sets level details for gene-set results, i.e. obtain the differential expression statistics for probe-sets assigned to the gene-sets. This allows users to explore which probe-sets results contribute the most to gene-set differential expression analysis statistics and gene-set agreement of differential expression statistics. } \usage{ get.gset.result.details(agdex.result, gset.ids = NULL, alpha=0.01) } \arguments{ \item{agdex.result}{ agdex result returned by function \emph{agdex} } \item{gset.ids}{ a vector of gene-set IDs. If NULL, the result will return gene level details for all significant gene-sets at a chosen significant level alpha. } \item{alpha}{significance level of gene-set, default set to 0.01} } \value{ This function returns a list of three components. \item{gsetA.details }{Gene-set details result for experiment A, including differential expression statistic and p-value for each probe-set in each gene-set. Each row represents a probe-set from A. The columns give gene-set name, enrichment statistic and its corresponding p-values, differential expression statistics and p-values} \item{gsetB.details }{similar result of gene-set details for experiment B. Rows and columns give the similar information to \emph{gsetA.details}.} \item{agdex.details}{A data frame. Each row gives results for one probe-set pair. The columns give the gene-set names, cosine statistic and difference of proportions statistic and p-values, meta statistic and its p-value.} } \author{ Stan Pounds <\email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Cuilan Lani Gao <\email{cuilan.gao@stjude.org}> } \seealso{ \code{\link{write.agdex.gset.details}}; \code{\link{read.agdex.gset.details}} } \examples{ # Load saved result run by agdex routine data(agdex.res) # obtain gene-set result gset.res.all <- get.gset.result.details(agdex.res,gset.ids = NULL, alpha=0.01) # obtain the detailed gene set for specified gene-sets gset.res0 <- get.gset.result.details(agdex.res, gset.ids=c("DNA_CATABOLIC_PROCESS","GOLGI_STACK"), alpha=0.01) }