\name{agdex.scatterplot} \alias{agdex.scatterplot} \title{scatter plot of AGDEX result} \description{ A function to visualize the results of AGDEX analysis for the entire genome or specific gene-sets in a scatterplot.} \usage{ agdex.scatterplot(agdex.res, gset.id = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{agdex.res}{ result of an AGDEX analysis, the returned result of the function \emph{agdex}. } \item{gset.id}{ a specified gene-set identifier. Default is set to NULL, which produces a visualization result of the entire genome. } } \value{ Returns either a scatter plot of pairs of difference in average log-expression values for genome-wide anlysis or a specified gene-set. } \author{ Stan Pounds <\email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}; Cuilan Lani Gao <\email{cuilan.gao@stjude.org}> } \seealso{ \code{\link{agdex}}; \code{\link{get.gset.result.details}} } \examples{ data(agdex.res) # see visualization result of the whole genome agdex.scatterplot(agdex.res, gset.id=NULL) # scatterplot for a specified gene-set agdex.scatterplot(agdex.res, gset.id="DNA_CATABOLIC_PROCESS") }