\name{outputToCGHregions} \alias{outputToCGHregions} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ ADaCGH2 output as input to CGHregions } \description{ Convert ADaCGH2 output to a data frame that can be used as input for \code{\link[CGHregions]{CGHregions}}. } \usage{ outputToCGHregions(output, directory = getwd()) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{output}{ The name of the output from a call to a \code{\link{pSegment}} function. } \item{directory}{ The directory where the initial data transformation and the analysis have been carried out. It is a lot better if you just work on a single directory for a set of files. Otherwise, unless you keep very carefull track of where you do what, you will run into trouble. } } % \details{ % } \value{ A data frame of 4 + k columns that can be used as input to the \code{\link[CGHregions]{CGHregions}} function. The first four columns are the probe name, the chromosome, the position and the position. The last k columns are the calls for the k samples. } % \references{ % %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ % } \author{ Ramon Diaz-Uriarte \email{rdiaz02@gmail.com} %% ~~who you are~~ } \note{ This function does NOT check if the calls are meaningfull. In particular, you probably do NOT want to use this function when \code{\link{pSegment}} has been called using \option{merging = "none"}. } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link{pSegment}} } \examples{ ## Create a temp dir for storing output. ## (Not needed, but cleaner). dir.create("ADaCGH2_cghreg_example_tmp_dir") originalDir <- getwd() setwd("ADaCGH2_cghreg_example_tmp_dir") Sys.sleep(1) snowfallInit(universeSize = 2, typecluster = "SOCK") ## To speed up R CMD check, we do not use inputEx1, but a much smaller ## data set. When you try the examples, you might one to use ## inputEx1 instead. \dontrun{ fname <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx1") } fname <- list.files(path = system.file("data", package = "ADaCGH2"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "inputEx2") tableChromArray <- inputDataToADaCGHData(filename = fname) hs_mad.out <- pSegmentHaarSeg("cghData.RData", "chromData.RData", merging = "MAD") forcghr <- outputToCGHregions(hs_mad.out) if(require(CGHregions)) { regions1 <- CGHregions(forcghr) regions1 } ### Explicitly stop cluster sfStop() ### Clean up (DO NOT do this with objects you want to keep!!!) load("chromData.RData") load("posData.RData") load("cghData.RData") delete(cghData); rm(cghData) delete(posData); rm(posData) delete(chromData); rm(chromData) unlink("chromData.RData") unlink("posData.RData") unlink("cghData.RData") unlink("probeNames.RData") lapply(hs_mad.out, delete) rm(hs_mad.out) ### Try to prevent problems in R CMD check ### (As a regular user, most likely you do not need this) Sys.sleep(2) detach("package:rlecuyer", unload = TRUE) ### Delete all files and temp dir setwd(originalDir) Sys.sleep(2) unlink("ADaCGH2_cghreg_example_tmp_dir", recursive = TRUE) Sys.sleep(2) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ IO }