Bioconductor version: Development (2.8)
Bayesian integrated analysis of Affymetrix GeneChips
Author: Ernest Turro, Graeme Ambler, Anne-Mette K Hein
Maintainer: Ernest Turro
To install this package, start R and enter:
source("http:///biocLite.R") biocLite("bgx")
R Script | HowTo BGX |
biocViews | Microarray, DifferentialExpression |
Depends | R, Biobase, affy, gcrma |
Imports | |
Suggests | affydata, hgu95av2cdf |
System Requirements | |
License | GPL |
URL | |
Depends On Me | |
Imports Me | |
Suggests Me | |
Version | 1.15.0 |
Package Source | bgx_1.15.0.tar.gz |
Windows Binary | (32-bit only) |
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary | bgx_1.15.0.tgz |
Package Downloads Report | Download Stats |
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