Package: Biobase Version: 2.32.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DynDoc Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: annotate Version: 1.50.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genefilter Version: 1.54.2 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geneplotter Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: multtest Version: 2.28.0 Maintainer: Katherine S. Pollard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ctc Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Antoine Lucas MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ROC Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tkWidgets Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: J. Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyio Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Benjamin Milo Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: preprocessCore Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Benjamin Milo Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affy Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: vsn Version: 3.40.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: graph Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: makecdfenv Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: James W. MacDonald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: widgetTools Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Jianhua Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rgraphviz Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affycomp Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: limma Version: 3.28.21 Maintainer: Gordon Smyth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: splicegear Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gautier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gcrma Version: 2.44.0 Maintainer: Z. Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: siggenes Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Holger Schwender MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: annaffy Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Colin A. Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: daMA Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Jobst Landgrebe MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gpls Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MeasurementError.cor Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Beiying Ding MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: factDesign Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Denise Scholtens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyPLM Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Ben Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RBGL Version: 1.48.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: webbioc Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Colin A. Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ecolitk Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gautier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affypdnn Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gautier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: simpleaffy Version: 2.48.0 Maintainer: Crispin Miller MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LPE Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Nitin Jain MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pickgene Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Brian S. Yandell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IRanges Version: 2.6.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Biostrings Version: 2.40.2 Maintainer: H. Pagès MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: TRUE AlertOn: ERROR, WARNINGS AlertTo:, Package: qvalue Version: 2.4.2 Maintainer: John D. Storey , Andrew J. Bass MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: impute Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Balasubramanian Narasimhan MaintainerEmail: naras@stat.Stanford.EDU PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rama Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Raphael Gottardo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Icens Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBarrays Version: 2.36.0 Maintainer: Ming Yuan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PROcess Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Xiaochun Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: altcdfenvs Version: 2.34.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gautier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: arrayQuality Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Agnes Paquet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: goTools Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Agnes Paquet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affylmGUI Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Yifang Hu , Gordon Smyth , Keith Satterley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: limmaGUI Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Yifang Hu , Gordon Smyth , Keith Satterley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: marray Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: convert Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Yee Hwa (Jean) Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prada Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Florian Hahne MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DNAcopy Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Venkatraman E. Seshan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOstats Version: 2.38.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: aCGH Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Peter Dimitrov MaintainerEmail: dimitrov@stat.Berkeley.EDU PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HEM Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: HyungJun Cho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GraphAT Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Thomas LaFramboise MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MergeMaid Version: 2.44.0 Maintainer: Xiaogang Zhong MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: globaltest Version: 5.26.0 Maintainer: Jelle Goeman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OLIN Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Matthias Futschik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MLInterfaces Version: 1.52.0 Maintainer: V. Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nnNorm Version: 2.36.0 Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genArise Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: IFC Development Team MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GLAD Version: 2.36.0 Maintainer: Philippe Hupe MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: twilight Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Stefanie Scheid MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hopach Version: 2.32.0 Maintainer: Katherine S. Pollard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OLINgui Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Matthias Futschik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEDS Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Yuanyuan Xiao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: stepNorm Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Yuanyuan Xiao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MVCClass Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Elizabeth Whalen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: macat Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Joern Toedling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SBMLR Version: 1.68.0 Maintainer: Tomas Radivoyevitch MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sagenhaft Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Tim Beissbarth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bioDist Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CoCiteStats Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: apComplex Version: 2.38.0 Maintainer: Denise Scholtens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plier Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Crispin Miller MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biomaRt Version: 2.28.0 Maintainer: Steffen Durinck MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: made4 Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Aedin Culhane MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spotSegmentation Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Chris Fraley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tilingArray Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Zhenyu Xu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: safe Version: 3.12.0 Maintainer: William T. Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plgem Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Norman Pavelka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RankProd Version: 2.44.0 Maintainer: Fangxin Hong MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: xcms Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Steffen Neumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MiPP Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Sukwoo Kim MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: idiogram Version: 1.48.0 Maintainer: Karl J. Dykema MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geneRecommender Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Greg Hather MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ssize Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Gregory R. Warnes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bridge Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Raphael Gottardo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hypergraph Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Category Version: 2.38.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneMeta Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: oligo Version: 1.36.1 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clusterStab Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: James W. MacDonald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pdmclass Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: James W. MacDonald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyQCReport Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Craig Parman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fdrame Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Effi Kenigsberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LMGene Version: 2.28.0 Maintainer: Blythe Durbin-Johnson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diffGeneAnalysis Version: 1.54.0 Maintainer: Choudary Jagarlamudi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: timecourse Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Yu Chuan Tai MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: reb Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Karl J. Dykema MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maanova Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Keith Sheppard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affxparser Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biocViews Version: 1.40.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GlobalAncova Version: 3.40.0 Maintainer: Manuela Hummel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maSigPro Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Maria Jose Nueda MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RLMM Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Nusrat Rabbee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affycoretools Version: 1.44.3 Maintainer: James W. MacDonald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MANOR Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Pierre Neuvial MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MantelCorr Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Brian Steinmeyer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: panp Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Peter Warren MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pathRender Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GEOquery Version: 2.38.4 Maintainer: Sean Davis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: codelink Version: 1.40.2 Maintainer: Diego Diez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaArray Version: 1.50.0 Maintainer: Hyungwon Choi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: snapCGH Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: John Marioni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sscore Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Richard Kennedy MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ScISI Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Tony Chiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: beadarray Version: 2.22.2 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Mfuzz Version: 2.32.0 Maintainer: Matthias Futschik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: adSplit Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Claudio Lottaz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: copa Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: James W. MacDonald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sizepower Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Weiliang Qiu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNPchip Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Robert Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cellHTS Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Andrzej Oleś MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBImage Version: 4.14.2 Maintainer: Andrzej Oleś MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OCplus Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Alexander Ploner MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Heatplus Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Alexander Ploner MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maCorrPlot Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Alexander Ploner MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nudge Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: N. Dean MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cghMCR Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: J. Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OrderedList Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Claudio Lottaz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: logicFS Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Holger Schwender MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BSgenome Version: 1.40.1 Maintainer: H. Pagès MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TypeInfo Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Duncan Temple Lang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gaggle Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Christopher Bare MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sigPathway Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Weil Lai MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ABarray Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Yongming Andrew Sun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Harshlight Version: 1.44.0 Maintainer: Maurizio Pellegrino MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: quantsmooth Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Jan Oosting MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: aroma.light Version: 3.2.0 Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcot2 Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Sarah Song MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spikeLI Version: 2.32.0 Maintainer: Enrico Carlon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BioMVCClass Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Elizabeth Whalen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lapmix Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Yann Ruffieux MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GGtools Version: 5.8.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: beadarraySNP Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Jan Oosting MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pkgDepTools Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Seth Falcon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: splots Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SAGx Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Per Broberg, MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nem Version: 2.46.0 Maintainer: Holger Froehlich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaMethods Version: 1.64.0 Maintainer: Henning Redestig MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RbcBook1 Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ppiStats Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowCore Version: 1.38.2 Maintainer: M.Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowUtils Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Josef Spidlen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowQ Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowViz Version: 1.36.2 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnnotationDbi Version: 1.34.4 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RefPlus Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Kai-Ming Chang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: occugene Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Oliver Will MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lumi Version: 2.24.0 Maintainer: Pan Du MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pdInfoBuilder Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BufferedMatrix Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Benjamin Milo Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BufferedMatrixMethods Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: B. M. Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneticsDesign Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: The R Genetics Project MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqLogo Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Oliver Bembom MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: topGO Version: 2.24.0 Maintainer: Adrian Alexa MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: annotationTools Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Alexandre Kuhn MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LBE Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Cyril Dalmasso MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SLqPCR Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Matthias Kohl MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rHVDM Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Martino Barenco MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CALIB Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Hui Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PGSEA Version: 1.46.0 Maintainer: Karl Dykema MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Ringo Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: J. Toedling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ACME Version: 2.28.0 Maintainer: Sean Davis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RWebServices Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Martin Morgan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MassSpecWavelet Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Pan Du MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneticsPed Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: David Henderson MaintainerEmail: DNADavenator@GMail.Com PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CORREP Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Dongxiao Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: oneChannelGUI Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Raffaele A Calogero MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rbsurv Version: 2.30.0 Maintainer: Soo-heang Eo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bgx Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Ernest Turro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: puma Version: 3.14.0 Maintainer: Xuejun Liu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSEABase Version: 1.34.1 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cellHTS2 Version: 2.36.0 Maintainer: Joseph Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biocGraph Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Florian Hahne MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: keggorthology Version: 2.24.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SMAP Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Robin Andersson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: explorase Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win64, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: vbmp Version: 1.40.0 Maintainer: Nicola Lama MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: arrayQualityMetrics Version: 3.28.2 Maintainer: Audrey Kauffmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CGHcall Version: 2.34.1 Maintainer: Mark van de Wiel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AffyExpress Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Xuejun Arthur Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: oligoClasses Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho and Robert Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VanillaICE Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Robert Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OutlierD Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Sukwoo Kim MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bgafun Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Iain Wallace MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rsbml Version: 2.30.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maigesPack Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Gustavo H. Esteves MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: mac ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yaqcaffy Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rdisop Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Steffen Neumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: xps Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Christian Stratowa MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rtreemix Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Jasmina Bogojeska MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocCaseStudies Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BGmix Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Alex Lewin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plw Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Magnus Astrand MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gaga Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: David Rossell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SLGI Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Nolwenn Le Meur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PCpheno Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Nolwenn Le Meur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BAC Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Raphael Gottardo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: XDE Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Robert Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GraphAlignment Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Joern P. Meier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mdqc Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Gabriela Cohen-Freue MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BCRANK Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Adam Ameur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: snpStats Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: David Clayton MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSEAlm Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Assaf Oron MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyPara Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Markus Schmidberger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowClust Version: 3.10.1 Maintainer: Greg Finak , Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneSelector Version: 2.22.0 Maintainer: Martin Slawski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GEOmetadb Version: 1.32.2 Maintainer: Jack Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomeGraphs Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Steffen Durinck MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RBioinf Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Robert Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rtracklayer Version: 1.32.2 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GGBase Version: 3.34.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AffyCompatible Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Martin Morgan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: goProfiles Version: 1.34.0 Maintainer: Alex Sanchez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ShortRead Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LPEadj Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Carl Murie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CGHbase Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Mark van de Wiel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CGHregions Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Sjoerd Vosse MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CMA Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Christoph Bernau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HELP Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Reid F. Thompson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SIM Version: 1.42.0 Maintainer: Renee X. de Menezes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRNApath Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: James M. Ward MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: multiscan Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Mizanur Khondoker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: minet Version: 3.30.0 Maintainer: Patrick E. Meyer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iterativeBMA Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Ka Yee Yeung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ITALICS Version: 2.32.0 Maintainer: Guillem Rigaill MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iterativeBMAsurv Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Ka Yee Yeung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DFP Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Rodrigo Alvarez-Glez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: domainsignatures Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Florian Hahne MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RpsiXML Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: logitT Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Tobias Guennel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PLPE Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Soo-heang Eo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: edgeR Version: 3.14.0 Maintainer: Yunshun Chen , Aaron Lun , Mark Robinson , Davis McCarthy , Gordon Smyth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEDME Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Mattia Pelizzola MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ArrayTools Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Arthur Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: microRNA Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: "James F. Reid" MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNAither Version: 2.20.0 Maintainer: Lars Kaderali MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ArrayExpress Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Ugis Sarkans MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KCsmart Version: 2.30.0 Maintainer: Jorma de Ronde MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChemmineR Version: 2.24.2 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: parody Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: xmapbridge Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Chris Wirth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyContam Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: V. Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: arrayMvout Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: V. Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BicARE Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Pierre Gestraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HilbertVis Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Simon Anders MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HilbertVisGUI Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Simon Anders MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flagme Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Mark Robinson , Riccardo Romoli MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MCRestimate Version: 2.28.0 Maintainer: Marc Johannes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AffyTiling Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Charles G. Danko MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOSemSim Version: 1.30.3 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KEGGgraph Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: qpgraph Version: 2.6.1 Maintainer: Robert Castelo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spkTools Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Matthew N McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tspair Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Jeffrey T. Leek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SPIA Version: 2.24.0 Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DAVIDQuery Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Roger Day MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metahdep Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: John R. Stevens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CAMERA Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Steffen Neumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genomeIntervals Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Julien Gagneur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PAnnBuilder Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Li Hong MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneSelectMMD Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Weiliang Qiu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: betr Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Martin Aryee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: crlmm Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Benilton S Carvalho , Robert Scharpf , Matt Ritchie MaintainerEmail: mritchie@wehi.EDU.AU PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dyebias Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Philip Lijnzaad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: qpcrNorm Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Jessica Mar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SSPA Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Maarten van Iterson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneRegionScan Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Lasse Folkersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rMAT Version: 3.22.0 Maintainer: Arnaud Droit and Raphael Gottardo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowStats Version: 3.30.1 Maintainer: Greg Finak and Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TargetSearch Version: 1.28.1 Maintainer: Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rmagpie Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Camille Maumet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SJava Version: 0.98.0 Maintainer: Martin Morgan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: mac, win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: methylumi Version: 2.18.2 Maintainer: Sean Davis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNTools Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: J. Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RmiR Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Francesco Favero MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win64 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chipseq Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowMerge Version: 2.20.0 Maintainer: Greg Finak MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowFP Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Herb Holyst MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BUS Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Yuanhua Liu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rolexa Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Jacques Rougemont MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RPA Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Leo Lahti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ddCt Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPpeakAnno Version: 3.6.5 Maintainer: Lihua Julie Zhu , Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Starr Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Benedikt Zacher MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mBPCR Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: P.M.V. Rancoita MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPsim Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Peter Humburg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plateCore Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Errol Strain MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MiChip Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Jonathon Blake MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clippda Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Stephen Nyangoma MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AgiMicroRna Version: 2.22.0 Maintainer: Pedro Lopez-Romero MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCA Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicFeatures Version: 1.24.5 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CGHnormaliter Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Bart P.P. van Houte MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cycle Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Matthias Futschik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: baySeq Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Thomas J. Hardcastle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneAnswers Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Lei Huang and Gang Feng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChromHeatMap Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Tim F. Rayner MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPseqR Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Peter Humburg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HTqPCR Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Heidi Dvinge MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNVtools Version: 1.66.0 Maintainer: Chris Barnes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LiquidAssociation Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Yen-Yi Ho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BioSeqClass Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Li Hong MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEGseq Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Likun Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SpeCond Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Florence Cavalli MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Genominator Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: James Bullard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: eisa Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Gabor Csardi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CSAR Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Jose M Muino MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DESeq Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Simon Anders MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: frma Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: frmaTools Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hyperdraw Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Paul Murrell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ConsensusClusterPlus Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Matt Wilkerson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iChip Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Qianxing Mo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rGADEM Version: 2.20.0 Maintainer: Arnaud Droit MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: methVisual Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Arie Zackay MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pint Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Olli-Pekka Huovilainen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MassArray Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Reid F. Thompson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: charm Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Peter Murakami MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SamSPECTRAL Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Habil Zare MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: segmentSeq Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Thomas J. Hardcastle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicRanges Version: 1.24.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genoCN Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Wei Sun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BeadDataPackR Version: 1.24.2 Maintainer: Mike Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MotIV Version: 1.28.0 Maintainer: Eloi Mercier , Raphael Gottardo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: girafe Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: J. Toedling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rsamtools Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ExpressionView Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Gabor Csardi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tigre Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Antti Honkela MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: goseq Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Nadia Davidson , Anthony Hawkins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BayesPeak Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Jonathan Cairns MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SRAdb Version: 1.30.0 Maintainer: Jack Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PICS Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Renan Sauteraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowMeans Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Nima Aghaeepour MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PROMISE Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Stan Pounds , Xueyuan Cao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GEOsubmission Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Alexandre Kuhn MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSRI Version: 2.20.0 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowTrans Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Greg Finak MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genomes Version: 3.2.0 Maintainer: Chris Stubben MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affyILM Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Myriam Kroll and Fabrice Berger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: attract Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Samuel Zimmerman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fabia Version: 2.18.1 Maintainer: Sepp Hochreiter MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BHC Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Rich Savage MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: coRNAi Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Elin Axelsson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NTW Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Yuanhua Liu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MBCB Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Jeff Allen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IsoGeneGUI Version: 2.8.0 Maintainer: Setia Pramana MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CoGAPS Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Elana J. Fertig MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BioNet Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Marcus Dittrich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CGEN Version: 3.8.0 Maintainer: William Wheeler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HTSanalyzeR Version: 2.24.0 Maintainer: Xin Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: imageHTS Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Joseph Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win64 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RDRToolbox Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Christoph Bartenhagen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: mac ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NuPoP Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Ji-Ping Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RCytoscape Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: farms Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Djork-Arne Clevert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Mulcom Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Claudio Isella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: les Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SQUADD Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Martial Sankar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OTUbase Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Daniel Beck MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: netresponse Version: 1.32.2 Maintainer: Leo Lahti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iSeq Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Qianxing Mo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LVSmiRNA Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Stefano Calza MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gage Version: 2.22.0 Maintainer: Weijun Luo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CRImage Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Henrik Failmezger , Yinyin Yuan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ontoCAT Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Natalja Kurbatova MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rnaSeqMap Version: 2.30.0 Maintainer: Michal Okoniewski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneGA Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Zhenpeng Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: R453Plus1Toolbox Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Hans-Ulrich Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ADaCGH2 Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Ramon Diaz-Uriarte MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEDIPS Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Lukas Chavez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEGraph Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Laurent Jacob MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MLP Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: phenoDist Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Xian Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IPPD Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Martin Slawski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gaia Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: S. Morganella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: snm Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: John D. Storey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TEQC Version: 3.12.0 Maintainer: Manuela Hummel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TurboNorm Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Maarten van Iterson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Vega Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Sandro Morganella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Clonality Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Irina Ostrovnaya MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mgsa Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Sebastian Bauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqbias Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Daniel Jones MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TDARACNE Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Zoppoli Pietro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win64 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: phenoTest Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Evarist Planet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ExiMiR Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Sylvain Gubian MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mosaics Version: 2.10.0 Maintainer: Dongjun Chung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chopsticks Version: 1.36.0 Maintainer: Hin-Tak Leung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pvac Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Jun Lu , Pierre R. Bushel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: joda Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Ewa Szczurek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: procoil Version: 2.0.2 Maintainer: Ulrich Bodenhofer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNAinteract Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clst Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Noah Hoffman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clstutils Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Noah Hoffman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: inveRsion Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Caceres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clusterProfiler Version: 3.0.5 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSnbase Version: 1.20.8 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ibh Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Kircicegi Korkmaz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowPlots Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: N. Hawkins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnnotationFuncs Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Stefan McKinnon Edwards MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ENVISIONQuery Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Alex Lisovich , Roger Day MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: mac-i386 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cn.farms Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Andreas Mitterecker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mcaGUI Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Wade K. Copeland MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rsubread Version: 1.22.3 Maintainer: Wei Shi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genefu Version: 2.4.2 Maintainer: Benjamin Haibe-Kains , Markus Schroeder MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: survcomp Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Benjamin Haibe-Kains , Markus Schroeder , Catharina Olsen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genoset Version: 1.28.2 Maintainer: Peter M. Haverty MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: qrqc Version: 1.26.0 Maintainer: Vince Buffalo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lol Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Yinyin Yuan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NCIgraph Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Laurent Jacob MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4Base Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4Preproc Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4Classif Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4Core Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4Reporting Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: a4 Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Tobias Verbeke , Willem Ligtenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: anota Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Ola Larsson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSVA Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Justin Guinney MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocInstaller Version: 1.22.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ArrayExpressHTS Version: 1.22.1 Maintainer: Angela Goncalves , Andrew Tikhonov MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowWorkspace Version: 3.18.11 Maintainer: Greg Finak ,Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: REDseq Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Lihua Julie Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: zlibbioc Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RCASPAR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Douaa Mugahid , Lars Kaderali MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DOSE Version: 2.10.7 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEXSeq Version: 1.18.4 Maintainer: Alejandro Reyes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: randPack Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Robert Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cqn Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: inSilicoDb Version: 2.8.0 Maintainer: InSilico DB MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Repitools Version: 1.18.3 Maintainer: Mark Robinson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowType Version: 2.10.0 Maintainer: Nima Aghaeepour MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ReadqPCR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: James Perkins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Cormotif Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Yingying Wei MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOFunction Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Jing Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IdMappingRetrieval Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Alex Lisovich , Roger Day MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: mac-i386 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GRENITS Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Edward Morrissey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: htSeqTools Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Oscar Reina MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RamiGO Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RedeR Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Mauro Castro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nucleR Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Ricard Illa MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NormqPCR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: James Perkins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Streamer Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Martin Morgan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VariantAnnotation Version: 1.18.7 Maintainer: Valerie Obenchain MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TSSi Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PREDA Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Francesco Ferrari MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iontree Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Mingshu Cao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: mac-i386 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rqubic Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mzR Version: 2.6.3 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer , Steffen Neumann , Laurent Gatto , Qiang Kou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneExpressionSignature Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Yang Cao , Fei Li ,Lu Han MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: graphite Version: 1.18.1 Maintainer: Gabriele Sales MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: weaver Version: 1.38.0 Maintainer: Seth Falcon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PANR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Xin Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTopper Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Luigi Marchionni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DTA Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Bjoern Schwalb MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EDASeq Version: 2.6.2 Maintainer: Davide Risso MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dks Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Jeffrey T. Leek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DiffBind Version: 2.0.9 Maintainer: Rory Stark MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AGDEX Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Cuilan lani Gao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biovizBase Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNAnorm Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Stefano Berri MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cummeRbund Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Loyal A. Goff MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DECIPHER Version: 2.0.2 Maintainer: Erik Wright MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GWASTools Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Stephanie M. Gogarten , Adrienne Stilp MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: minfi Version: 1.18.6 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: predictionet Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benjamin Haibe-Kains , Catharina Olsen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: stepwiseCM Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Askar Obulkasim MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sva Version: 3.20.0 Maintainer: Jeffrey T. Leek , John D. Storey , W. Evan Johnson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: r3Cseq Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Supat Thongjuea MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ggbio Version: 1.20.2 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MmPalateMiRNA Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Guy Brock MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: isobar Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Florian P Breitwieser MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: exomeCopy Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ReQON Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Christopher Cabanski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: mac-i386 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CellNOptR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: T.Cokelaer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tweeDEseq Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Juan R Gonzalez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ncdfFlow Version: 2.18.0 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cn.mops Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Guenter Klambauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fastseg Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Guenter Klambauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: trigger Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: John D. Storey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spade Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Zach Bjornson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocGenerics Version: 0.18.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sigaR Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Wessel N. van Wieringen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ASEB Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Likun Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AffyRNADegradation Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Mario Fasold MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maskBAD Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Michael Dannemann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GEWIST Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Wei Q. Deng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: easyRNASeq Version: 2.8.2 Maintainer: Nicolas Delhomme MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rhdf5 Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaGoPromoter Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Morten Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: manta Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Chris Berthiaume , Adrian Marchetti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BAGS Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Quiroz-Zarate MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DART Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Charles Shijie Zheng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: phyloseq Version: 1.16.2 Maintainer: Paul J. McMurdie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: deepSNV Version: 1.18.3 Maintainer: Moritz Gerstung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Gviz Version: 1.16.5 Maintainer: Florian Hahne MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ternarynet Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gwascat Version: 2.4.2 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NarrowPeaks Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Pedro Madrigal MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QUALIFIER Version: 1.16.1 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PING Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Renan Sauteraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BRAIN Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Piotr Dittwald MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IdMappingAnalysis Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Alex Lisovich , Roger Day MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ffpe Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Levi Waldron MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: coGPS Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Yingying Wei MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HybridMTest Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Demba Fofana MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BrainStars Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Itoshi NIKAIDO MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: birta Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Benedikt Zacher , Holger Froehlich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ReactomePA Version: 1.16.2 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cellGrowth Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Julien Gagneur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gprege Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Alfredo Kalaitzis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VegaMC Version: 3.10.0 Maintainer: Sandro Morganella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RchyOptimyx Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Adrin Jalali , Nima Aghaeepour MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: inSilicoMerging Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: InSilico DB MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BitSeq Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Antti Honkela , Panagiotis Papastamoulis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CancerMutationAnalysis Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Simina M. Boca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iBBiG Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Aedin Culhane MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cnvGSA Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Joseph Lugo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HiTC Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Nicolas Servant MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBcoexpress Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: John A. Dawson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iASeq Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Yingying Wei MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MinimumDistance Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Robert B Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: motifRG Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Zizhen Yao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: categoryCompare Version: 1.16.2 Maintainer: Robert M. Flight MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DirichletMultinomial Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Martin Morgan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ddgraph Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Robert Stojnic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cancerclass Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Daniel Kosztyla MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: staRank Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Juliane Siebourg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MiRaGE Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Y-h. Taguchi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rols Version: 2.0.3 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowQB Version: 1.18.4 Maintainer: Josef Spidlen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: annmap Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Chris Wirth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowPeaks Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Yongchao Ge MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FunciSNP Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Simon G. Coetzee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DSS Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Hao Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PWMEnrich Version: 4.8.2 Maintainer: Robert Stojnic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnnotationForge Version: 1.14.2 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OSAT Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Li Yan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KEGGprofile Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Shilin Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RGalaxy Version: 1.16.2 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: synapter Version: 1.14.2 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto and Sebastian Gibb MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bsseq Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DBChIP Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Kun Liang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gmapR Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CorMut Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Zhenpeng Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iPAC Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Gregory Ryslik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: networkBMA Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Ka Yee Yeung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: waveTiling Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Kristof De Beuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: triform Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Thomas Carroll MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PADOG Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RMassBank Version: 2.0.0 Maintainer: RMassBank at Eawag MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPXpress Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: George Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MotifDb Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneNetworkBuilder Version: 1.14.4 Maintainer: Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EasyqpcR Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Le Pape Sylvain MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNORfuzzy Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: T. Cokelaer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: methyAnalysis Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Pan Du MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fmcsR Version: 1.14.2 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lmdme Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Cristobal Fresno MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OrganismDbi Version: 1.14.1 Maintainer: Biocore Data Team MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapFabia Version: 1.14.1 Maintainer: Sepp Hochreiter MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hpar Version: 1.14.2 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Risa Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gCMAP Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Thomas Sandmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: motifStack Version: 1.16.2 Maintainer: Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DeconRNASeq Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Ting Gong MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ReportingTools Version: 2.12.2 Maintainer: Jason A. Hackney , Gabriel Becker , Jessica L. Larson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SCAN.UPC Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Stephen R. Piccolo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: agilp Version: 3.4.0 Maintainer: Benny Chain MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNORdt Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: A. MacNamara MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bigmemoryExtras Version: 1.18.1 Maintainer: Peter M. Haverty MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNORode Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: David Henriques MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HMMcopy Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Daniel Lai , Gavin Ha , Sohrab Shah MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HTSeqGenie Version: 4.2.0 Maintainer: Jens Reeder MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rcade Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Jonathan Cairns MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: mac ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TransView Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Julius Muller MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NOISeq Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: Sonia Tarazona MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chroGPS Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Oscar Reina MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VariantTools Version: 1.14.1 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rSFFreader Version: 0.20.0 Maintainer: Matt Settles MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: matchBox Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Luigi Marchionni , Anuj Gupta MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RIPSeeker Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Yue Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: illuminaio Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNAGEE Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: David Venet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plrs Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Gwenael G.R. Leday to MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocParallel Version: 1.6.6 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pvca Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jianying LI MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pRoloc Version: 1.12.4 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DriverNet Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jiarui Ding MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bumphunter Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: wateRmelon Version: 1.17.0 Maintainer: Leo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ensemblVEP Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GraphPAC Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Gregory Ryslik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iBMQ Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Greg Imholte MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RSVSim Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Christoph Bartenhagen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rTANDEM Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Frederic Fournier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rbowtie Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Michael Stadler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win32 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QuasR Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Michael Stadler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win32 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KEGGREST Version: 1.12.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: casper Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: David Rossell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clipper Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Paolo Martini MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PathNet Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jason B. Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DrugVsDisease Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: j. Saez-Rodriguez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethylSeekR Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Lukas Burger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HTSFilter Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Andrea Rau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rBiopaxParser Version: 2.10.0 Maintainer: Frank Kramer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SomatiCA Version: 2.2.1 Maintainer: Mengjie Chen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lpNet Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Lars Kaderali MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MineICA Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Anne Biton MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cisPath Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Likun Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biomvRCNS Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Yang Du MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CAGEr Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Vanja Haberle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chimera Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Raffaele A Calogero MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DESeq2 Version: 1.12.4 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: proteinProfiles Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SANTA Version: 2.10.2 Maintainer: Alex J. Cornish MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gCMAPWeb Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Thomas Sandmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ARRmNormalization Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jean-Philippe Fortin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: deltaGseg Version: 1.12.2 Maintainer: Diana Low MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dexus Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: Guenter Klambauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: epigenomix Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Hans-Ulrich Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HCsnip Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Askar Obulkasim MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: jmosaics Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Xin Zeng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pathview Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Weijun Luo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNASeqPower Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Terry M Therneau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SeqArray Version: 1.12.9 Maintainer: Xiuwen Zheng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SPEM Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Xinyi YANG MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BaseSpaceR Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Jared O'Connell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNORfeeder Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: F.Eduati MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: eiR Version: 1.12.2 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ROntoTools Version: 2.0.0 Maintainer: Calin Voichita MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnnotationHub Version: 2.4.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metagenomeSeq Version: 1.14.2 Maintainer: Joseph N. Paulson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DASiR Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Ricard Illa MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SeqGSEA Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Xi Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geNetClassifier Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Sara Aibar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: copynumber Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Gro Nilsen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: antiProfiles Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PAPi Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Raphael Aggio MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GENE.E Version: 1.12.2 Maintainer: Joshua Gould MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win64 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MMDiff Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Gabriele Schweikert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: win64 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: piano Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: Leif Varemo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prebs Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Karolis Uziela MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: triplex Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jiri Hon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiSeq Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Katja Hebestreit MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SplicingGraphs Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: H. Pages MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sSeq Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Danni Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: XVector Version: 0.12.1 Maintainer: Hervé Pagès MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clonotypeR Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Charles Plessy MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowFit Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Davide Rambaldi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plethy Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Daniel Bottomly MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBSeq Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Ning Leng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prot2D Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Sebastien Artigaud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tRanslatome Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Toma Tebaldi , Erik Dassi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: vtpnet Version: 0.12.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowBeads Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Nikolas Pontikos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spliceR Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Johannes Waage , Kristoffer Vitting-Seerup MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cleaver Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Sebastian Gibb MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: customProDB Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: xiaojing wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mitoODE Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Gregoire Pau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NetSAM Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Bing Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: paircompviz Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Michal Burda MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pathifier Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Assif Yitzhaky MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RDAVIDWebService Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Cristobal Fresno MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rTRM Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Diego Diez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maPredictDSC Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocStyle Version: 2.0.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cleanUpdTSeq Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Sarah Sheppard ; Jianhong Ou ; Lihua Julie Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OmicCircos Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Ying Hu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqCNA Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: David Mosen-Ansorena MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SigFuge Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Patrick Kimes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TargetScore Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Yue Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CSSP Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Chandler Zuo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cobindR Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Manuela Benary MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: intansv Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Wen Yao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msmsEDA Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Josep Gregori MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RRHO Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jonathan Rosenblatt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msmsTests Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Josep Gregori i Font MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rchemcpp Version: 2.10.0 Maintainer: Guenter Klambauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rfPred Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Hugo Varet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTN Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Mauro Castro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SeqVarTools Version: 1.10.1 Maintainer: Stephanie M. Gogarten , Xiuwen Zheng , Adrienne Stilp MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SpacePAC Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Gregory Ryslik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: trio Version: 3.10.0 Maintainer: Holger Schwender MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SwimR Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Randy Blakely MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: supraHex Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Hai Fang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ASSET Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: William Wheeler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChemmineOB Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: qusage Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Christopher Bolen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCC Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: Jianqiang Sun , Tomoaki Nishiyama MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiGGR Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Anand K. Gavai , Hannes Hettling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chipenrich Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Raymond G. Cavalcante , Chee Lee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Roleswitch Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Yue Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BADER Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Andreas Neudecker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mzID Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ArrayTV Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Eitan Halper-Stromberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiRewire Version: 3.2.1 Maintainer: Andrea Gobbi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOSim Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Holger Froehlich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: neaGUI Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Setia Pramana MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: omicade4 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Chen Meng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ProCoNA Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: David L Gibbs MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rTRMui Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Diego Diez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SimBindProfiles Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Bettina Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: STRINGdb Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Alexander Roth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AllelicImbalance Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Jesper R Gadin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ampliQueso Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Michal Okoniewski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bioassayR Version: 1.10.15 Maintainer: Tyler Backman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CexoR Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Pedro Madrigal MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dagLogo Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: epivizr Version: 2.2.4 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: exomePeak Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Lin Zhang , Lian Liu , Jia Meng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowMap Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Chiaowen Joyce Hsiao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: methylMnM Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Yan Zhou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSstats Version: 3.4.0 Maintainer: Meena Choi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: openCyto Version: 1.10.3 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: qcmetrics Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: shinyTANDEM Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Frederic Fournier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: spliceSites Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Kaisers MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sRAP Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Charles Warden MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TFBSTools Version: 1.10.4 Maintainer: Ge Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FGNet Version: 3.6.2 Maintainer: Sara Aibar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flipflop Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Elsa Bernard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChAMP Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Yuan Tian, Tiffany Morris MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: interactiveDisplay Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Shawn Balcome MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaSeq Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: h5vc Version: 2.6.3 Maintainer: Paul Theodor Pyl MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PSICQUIC Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNVrd2 Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Hoang Tan Nguyen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicAlignments Version: 1.8.4 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOTHiC Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Borbala Mifsud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CRISPRseek Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Lihua Julie Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mmnet Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Yang Cao , Fei Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PECA Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Tomi Suomi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowMatch Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ariful Azad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ccrepe Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Emma Schwager ,Craig Bielski, George Weingart MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PhenStat Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Natasha Karp MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: roar Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Elena Grassi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowBin Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Kieran O'Neill MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geneRxCluster Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Charles Berry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: COHCAP Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Charles Warden MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneOverlap Version: 1.0.1 Maintainer: Li Shen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AtlasRDF Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: James Malone MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BEAT Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Kemal Akman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iClusterPlus Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Qianxing Mo , Ronglai Shen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biosvd Version: 2.8.0 Maintainer: Anneleen Daemen , Matthew Brauer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ELBOW Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Graham Alvare , Xiangli Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: savR Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: R. Brent Calder MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: trackViewer Version: 1.8.4 Maintainer: Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomeInfoDb Version: 1.8.7 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SomaticSignatures Version: 2.8.4 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Mirsynergy Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Yue Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MIMOSA Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Greg Finak MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNEr Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Ge Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: COMPASS Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Greg Finak MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSCA Version: 2.2.0 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CopyNumber450k Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Simon Papillon-Cavanagh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sangerseqR Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Jonathon Hill MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: unifiedWMWqPCR Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Joris Meys MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DMRcate Version: 1.8.6 Maintainer: Tim Peters MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EDDA Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Chia Kuan Hui Burton , Niranjan Nagarajan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: scsR Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Andrea Franceschini , Roger Meier , Christian von Mering MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Clomial Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Habil Zare MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dualKS Version: 1.32.0 Maintainer: Eric J. Kort , Yarong Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: alsace Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ron Wehrens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Basic4Cseq Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Carolin Walter MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CAFE Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Sander Bollen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: INPower Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Bill Wheeler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: massiR Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Sam Buckberry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaseqR Version: 1.12.2 Maintainer: Panagiotis Moulos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MLSeq Version: 1.12.2 Maintainer: Gokmen Zararsiz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rpx Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QDNAseq Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Daoud Sie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rcpi Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Nan Xiao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sapFinder Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Shaohang Xu , Bo Wen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: UNDO Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Niya Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: viper Version: 1.7.4 Maintainer: Mariano J Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: messina Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Mark Pinese MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nondetects Version: 2.2.0 Maintainer: Valeriia Sherina MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ASSIGN Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ying Shen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ABSSeq Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Wentao Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPQC Version: 1.8.9 Maintainer: Tom Carroll , Rory Stark MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CompGO Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Ashley J. Waardenberg MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowCyBar Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Joachim Schumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FRGEpistasis Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Futao Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rariant Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BiocCheck Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowCL Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Justin Meskas MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaMS Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ron Wehrens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CoverageView Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ernesto Lowy MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VariantFiltering Version: 1.8.6 Maintainer: Robert Castelo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DMRforPairs Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Martin Rijlaarsdam MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Sushi Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Douglas H Phanstiel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: npGSEA Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Jessica Larson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TitanCNA Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Gavin Ha , Sohrab P Shah MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: compcodeR Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Charlotte Soneson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RefNet Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gaucho Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Alex Murison , Christopher Wardell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicFiles Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MeSHDbi Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: meshr Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Koki Tsuyuzaki MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NetPathMiner Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Ahmed Mohamed MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPseeker Version: 1.8.9 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fastLiquidAssociation Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Tina Gunderson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: S4Vectors Version: 0.10.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hiAnnotator Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Nirav V Malani MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: blima Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Vojtech Kulvait MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: monocle Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Cole Trapnell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HDTD Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Anestis Touloumis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MoPS Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Philipp Eser MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DupChecker Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: "Quanhu SHENG" MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethylAid Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: M. van Iterson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: proteoQC Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Bo Wen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowClean Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Kipper Fletez-Brant MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cosmiq Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: David Fischer , Christian Panse MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: wavClusteR Version: 2.6.2 Maintainer: Federico Comoglio MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RUVSeq Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Davide Risso MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSAR Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Yasir Rahmatallah , Galina Glazko MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEGreport Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Lorena Pantano MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RGSEA Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Chengcheng Ma MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ssviz Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Diana Low MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Pbase Version: 0.12.2 Maintainer: Sebastian Gibb , Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: riboSeqR Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Thomas J. Hardcastle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DOQTL Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Daniel Gatti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowDensity Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Mehrnoush Malek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: oposSOM Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Henry Loeffler-Wirth MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pepStat Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Gregory C Imholte MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Polyfit Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Conrad Burden MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pRolocGUI Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto , Lisa M Breckels MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Pviz Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Renan Sauteraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: shinyMethyl Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Jean-Philippe Fortin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSReg Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Bahman Afsari MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEIGOR Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Jose Egea MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mQTL.NMR Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Lyamine Hedjazi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MultiMed Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Simina M. Boca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: netbiov Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Shailesh tripathi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OncoSimulR Version: 2.2.2 Maintainer: Ramon Diaz-Uriarte MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: missMethyl Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Belinda Phipson , Jovana Maksimovic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ballgown Version: 2.4.3 Maintainer: Jack Fu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: STAN Version: 2.0.3 Maintainer: Benedikt Zacher MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: interactiveDisplayBase Version: 1.10.3 Maintainer: Shawn Balcome MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metabomxtr Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Michael Nodzenski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metagene Version: 2.4.4 Maintainer: Charles Joly Beauparlant MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ClassifyR Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Dario Strbenac MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: M3D Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Tom Mayo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRNAtap Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Maciej Pajak MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MPFE Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Conrad Burden MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RUVnormalize Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Laurent Jacob MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SemDist Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Ian Gonzalez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: quantro Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Stephanie Hicks MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: compEpiTools Version: 1.6.4 Maintainer: Kamal Kishore MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: erccdashboard Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Sarah Munro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hiReadsProcessor Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Nirav V Malani MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MBASED Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Oleg Mayba MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: methylPipe Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Kamal Kishore MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethylMix Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Olivier Gevaert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rnits Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Dipen P. Sangurdekar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: switchBox Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Bahman Afsari , Luigi Marchionni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FourCSeq Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Felix A. Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenoView Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Sharon Lee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNPRelate Version: 1.6.6 Maintainer: Xiuwen Zheng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NGScopy Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Xiaobei Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rain Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Paul F. Thaben MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TSCAN Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOsummaries Version: 2.6.0 Maintainer: Raivo Kolde MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geecc Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Markus Boenn MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqplots Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Przemyslaw Stempor MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: systemPipeR Version: 1.6.4 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EnrichmentBrowser Version: 2.2.3 Maintainer: Ludwig Geistlinger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GOexpress Version: 1.6.1 Maintainer: Kevin Rue-Albrecht MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSnID Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Vlad Petyuk MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: simulatorZ Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Yuqing Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MGFM Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Khadija El Amrani MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rRDP Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Michael Hahsler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicInteractions Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Malcolm Perry , Liz Ing-Simmons MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PSEA Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Alexandre Kuhn MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ALDEx2 Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Greg Gloor MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: polyester Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Alyssa Frazee , Jeff Leek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSGFplus Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: derfinder Version: 1.6.4 Maintainer: Leonardo Collado-Torres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: derfinderPlot Version: 1.6.3 Maintainer: Leonardo Collado-Torres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: derfinderHelper Version: 1.6.3 Maintainer: Leonardo Collado-Torres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: regionReport Version: 1.6.5 Maintainer: Leonardo Collado-Torres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FEM Version: 2.8.0 Maintainer: Andrew E. Teschendorff MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSGFgui Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IdeoViz Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Shraddha Pai MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: proBAMr Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Xiaojing Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ASGSCA Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Hela Romdhani MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PAA Version: 1.7.1 Maintainer: Michael Turewicz , Martin Eisenacher MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: paxtoolsr Version: 1.6.3 Maintainer: Augustin Luna MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowcatchR Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Federico Marini MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: focalCall Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Oscar Krijgsman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenomicTuples Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Peter Hickey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MAIT Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Francesc Fernandez-Albert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowCHIC Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Author: Joachim Schumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SigCheck Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Rory Stark MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: csaw Version: 1.6.1 Maintainer: Aaron Lun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: STATegRa Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: David Gomez-Cabrero , Patricia Sebastián-León , Gordon Ball MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SGSeq Version: 1.6.12 Maintainer: Leonard Goldstein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CoRegNet Version: 1.8.2 Maintainer: Remy Nicolle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mvGST Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: John R. Stevens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: groHMM Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Anusha Nagari , Venkat Malladi , Tulip Nandu , W. Lee Kraus MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: facopy Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: David Mosen-Ansorena MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IMPCdata Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Jeremy Mason MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: kebabs Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Ulrich Bodenhofer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ToPASeq Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Ivana Ihnatova MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tracktables Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Tom Carroll MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BridgeDbR Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Anwesha Bohler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MBAmethyl Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Tao Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rqc Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Welliton Souza MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CFAssay Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Herbert Braselmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: COSNet Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Marco Frasca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: specL Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Christian Panse , Witold E. Wolski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBSeqHMM Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Ning Leng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mygene Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Adam Mark, Chunlei Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqTools Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Kaisers MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pepXMLTab Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Xiaojing Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Metab Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Raphael Aggio MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AIMS Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Eric R Paquet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genomation Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Altuna Akalin , Vedran Franke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: saps Version: 2.4.2 Maintainer: Daniel Schmolze MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QuartPAC Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Gregory Ryslik MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cpvSNP Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Caitlin McHugh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nethet Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Nicolas Staedler , Frank Dondelinger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PROPER Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Hao Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gQTLBase Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gQTLstats Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowSOM Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Sofie Van Gassen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mdgsa Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: David Montaner MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rgsepd Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Karl Stamm MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnalysisPageServer Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Brad Friedman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chromDraw Version: 2.2.0 Maintainer: Jan Janecka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CODEX Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Yuchao Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: coMET Version: 1.4.4 Maintainer: Tiphaine Martin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gespeR Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Fabian Schmich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnaSeqSampleSize Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Shilin Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TRONCO Version: 2.4.3 Maintainer: BIMIB Group MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gdsfmt Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Xiuwen Zheng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mAPKL Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Argiris Sakellariou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MeSHSim Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Jing ZHou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqPattern Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Vanja Haberle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: parglms Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ggtree Version: 1.4.20 Maintainer: Guangchuang Yu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seq2pathway Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Xinan Yang with contribution from Lorenzo Pesce and Ana Marija Sokovic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cytofkit Version: 1.4.10 Maintainer: Jinmiao Chen , Hao Chen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IVAS Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Seonggyun Han MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GreyListChIP Version: 1.4.1 Maintainer: Gordon Brown MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Cardinal Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Kyle D. Bemis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sincell Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Miguel Julia , Antonio Rausell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HIBAG Version: 1.8.3 Maintainer: Xiuwen Zheng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: birte Version: 1.8.1 Maintainer: Holger Froehlich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rGREAT Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Zuguang Gu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BubbleTree Version: 2.2.2 Maintainer: Todd Creasy , Wei Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ProtGenerics Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SELEX Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Harmen Bussemaker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sigsquared Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: UnJin Lee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: skewr Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Ryan Putney MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Rhtslib Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BrowserViz Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: muscle Version: 3.14.0 Maintainer: Alex T. Kalinka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: canceR Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Karim Mezhoud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diggit Version: 1.5.2 Maintainer: Mariano J Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: immunoClust Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Till Soerensen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LEA Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Eric Frichot MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MatrixRider Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Elena Grassi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: netbenchmark Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Pau Bellot MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNAprobR Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Nikos Sidiropoulos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SIMAT Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mo R. Nezami Ranjbar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bamsignals Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: Alessandro Mammana MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GENESIS Version: 2.2.7 Maintainer: Matthew P. Conomos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: InPAS Version: 1.4.4 Maintainer: Jianhong Ou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TIN Version: 1.4.1 Maintainer: Bjarne Johannessen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ensembldb Version: 1.4.7 Maintainer: Johannes Rainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gtrellis Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Zuguang Gu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rcellminer Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Augustin Luna , Vinodh Rajapakse MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LowMACA Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Stefano de Pretis , Giorgio Melloni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: podkat Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Ulrich Bodenhofer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RBM Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Dongmei Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ComplexHeatmap Version: 1.10.2 Maintainer: Zuguang Gu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pmm Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Anna Drewek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: regioneR Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Bernat Gel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DMRcaller Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Nicolae Radu Zabet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FISHalyseR Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Karesh Arunakirinathan , Andreas Heindl MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mogsa Version: 1.6.4 Maintainer: Chen Meng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OmicsMarkeR Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Charles E. Determan Jr. MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RUVcorr Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Saskia Freytag MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SVM2CRM Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Guidantonio Malagoli Tagliazucchi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BrowserVizDemo Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cogena Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Zhilong Jia MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CopywriteR Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Thomas Kuilman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GoogleGenomics Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Siddhartha Bagaria MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NanoStringQCPro Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Robert Ziman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TPP Version: 2.2.6 Maintainer: Dorothee Childs MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RCyjs Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: conumee Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Volker Hovestadt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win32 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethTargetedNGS Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Muhammad Ahmer Jamil MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: soGGi Version: 1.4.4 Maintainer: Tom Carroll MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ENmix Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Zongli Xu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pandaR Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Joseph N. Paulson , Dan Schlauch MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: R3CPET Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Mohamed Nadhir Djekidel MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowRepositoryR Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Josef Spidlen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diffHic Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: Aaron Lun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CAnD Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Caitlin McHugh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ENCODExplorer Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: Charles Joly Beauparlant MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowVS Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Ariful Azad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Fabian Mueller MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msa Version: 1.4.5 Maintainer: Ulrich Bodenhofer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: similaRpeak Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Astrid Louise Deschenes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pwOmics Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Astrid Wachter MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: edge Version: 2.4.2 Maintainer: John D. Storey , Andrew J. Bass MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EMDomics Version: 2.2.2 Maintainer: Sadhika Malladi and Daniel Schmolze MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BEclear Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Markus Merl MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SummarizedExperiment Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGAToolbox Version: 2.2.2 Maintainer: Mehmet Kemal Samur MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CausalR Version: 1.4.3 Maintainer: Glyn Bradley , Steven Barrett , Bhushan Bonde MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: acde Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Juan Pablo Acosta MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OperaMate Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Chenglin Liu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ELMER Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Lijing Yao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RareVariantVis Version: 1.6.2 Maintainer: Tomasz Stokowy MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: caOmicsV Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Henry Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hierGWAS Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Laura Buzdugan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SEPA Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mirIntegrator Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Diana Diaz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PGA Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Bo Wen , Shaohang Xu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: erma Version: 0.4.2 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IONiseR Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Mike Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fCI Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Shaojun Tang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNVPanelizer Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Thomas Wolf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: XBSeq Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Yuanhang Liu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Prize Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Daryanaz Dargahi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: INSPEcT Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Stefano de Pretis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rnaseqcomp Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Mingxiang Teng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DeMAND Version: 1.2.1 Maintainer: Jung Hoon Woo , Mariano Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rCGH Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Frederic Commo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ropls Version: 1.4.6 Maintainer: Etienne A. Thevenot MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genotypeeval Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Jennifer Tom MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRLAB Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Thuc Duy Le MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OGSA Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Michael F. Ochs MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: traseR Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: li chen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LedPred Version: 1.6.1 Maintainer: Aitor Gonzalez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HilbertCurve Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Zuguang Gu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: destiny Version: 1.2.1 Maintainer: Philipp Angerer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: variancePartition Version: 1.2.11 Maintainer: Gabriel E. Hoffman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Oscope Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Ning Leng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: eudysbiome Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Xiaoyuan Zhou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaX Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: Bo Wen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NanoStringDiff Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: hong wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: synlet Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Chunxuan Shao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ABAEnrichment Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Steffi Grote MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCGAbiolinks Version: 2.0.13 Maintainer: Antonio Colaprico , Tiago Chedraoui Silva MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BBCAnalyzer Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Sarah Sandmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPComp Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Li Chen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: myvariant Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Adam Mark, Chunlei Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Path2PPI Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Oliver Philipp MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ldblock Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GEOsearch Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sevenbridges Version: 1.2.8 Maintainer: Tengfei Yin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AnnotationHubData Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iGC Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Liang-Bo Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LOLA Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Nathan Sheffield MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: motifbreakR Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Simon Gert Coetzee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ProteomicsAnnotationHubData Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA Version: 1.2.5 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DiffLogo Version: 1.2.1 Maintainer: Hendrik Treutler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DNABarcodes Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Tilo Buschmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dupRadar Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Sergi Sayols , Holger Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EnrichedHeatmap Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Zuguang Gu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FindMyFriends Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Guitar Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Jia Meng MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TarSeqQC Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Gabriela Merino MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DAPAR Version: 1.4.8 Maintainer: Samuel Wieczorek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gcatest Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Wei Hao , John D. Storey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iCheck Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Weiliang Qiu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Imetagene Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Audrey Lemacon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lfa Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Wei Hao , John D. Storey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEAL Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Carlos Ruiz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metagenomeFeatures Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Nathan D. Olson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pathVar Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Samuel Zimmerman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Prostar Version: 1.4.12 Maintainer: Samuel Wieczorek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SICtools Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Xiaobin Xing MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SISPA Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Bhakti Dwivedi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SWATH2stats Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Peter Blattmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GUIDEseq Version: 1.2.1 Maintainer: Lihua Julie Zhu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DChIPRep Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Bernd Klaus MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeneBreak Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Evert van den Broek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RiboProfiling Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: A. Popa MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNPhood Version: 1.2.3 Maintainer: Christian Arnold MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RCy3 Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Tanja Muetze , Georgi Kolishovski , Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRcomp Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biobroom Version: 1.4.2 Maintainer: John D. Storey and Andrew J. Bass MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: subSeq Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Andrew J. Bass , John D. Storey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CNPBayes Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: Jacob Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: R4RNA Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Daniel Lai MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: scde Version: 2.0.1 Maintainer: Jean Fan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: globalSeq Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Armin Rauschenberger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: consensusSeekeR Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Astrid Louise Deschenes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: multiClust Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Nathan Lawlor MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Chicago Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Mikhail Spivakov MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: TRUE Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iCOBRA Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Charlotte Soneson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FamAgg Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Johannes Rainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BioQC Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Jitao David Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biomformat Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Paul J. McMurdie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: normalize450K Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Jonathan Alexander Heiss MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dcGSA Version: 1.0.1 Maintainer: Jiehuan sun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: profileScoreDist Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Paal O. Westermark MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: transcriptR Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Armen R. Karapetyan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lpsymphony Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Vladislav Kim MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: kimod Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: M L Zingaretti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: splineTimeR Version: 1.0.1 Maintainer: Herbert Braselmann , Agata Michna MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CrispRVariants Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Helen Lindsay MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QuaternaryProd Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Carl Tony Fakhry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSALightning Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Billy Heung Wing Chang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tofsims Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Lorenz Gerber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ggcyto Version: 1.0.6 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cellTree Version: 1.2.2 Maintainer: David duVerle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: JunctionSeq Version: 1.2.4 Maintainer: Stephen Hartley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SC3 Version: 1.1.4 Maintainer: Vladimir Kiselev MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PanVizGenerator Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Thomas Lin Pedersen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EmpiricalBrownsMethod Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: David Gibbs MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowAI Version: 1.2.9 Maintainer: Gianni Monaco MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iCARE Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Bill Wheeler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenVisR Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Zachary Skidmore MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IHW Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Nikos Ignatiadis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RGraph2js Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Stephane Cano MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ROTS Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Fatemeh Seyednasrollah MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BasicSTARRseq Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Annika Buerger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EWCE Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Nathan Skene MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tximport Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SMITE Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Neil Ari Wijetunga , Andrew Damon Johnston MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Mergeomics Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Zeyneb Kurt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaCCA Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Anna Cichonska MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: contiBAIT Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Kieran O'Neill MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: clustComp Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Aurora Torrente MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: scater Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Davis McCarthy MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ExpressionAtlas Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Maria Keays MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RImmPort Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Ravi Shankar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chromPlot Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Karen Y. Orostica MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cellity Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Tomislav Ilicic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: garfield Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Valentina Iotchkova MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenRank Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Chakravarthi Kanduri MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dada2 Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Benjamin Callahan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MBttest Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Yuan-De Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HDF5Array Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Hervé Pagès MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethPed Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Helena Carén MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biosigner Version: 1.0.8 Maintainer: Philippe Rinaudo , Etienne Thevenot MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: nucleoSim Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Astrid Deschenes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRNAmeConverter Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Stefan Haunsberger MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: psygenet2r Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Alba Gutierrez-Sacristan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: doppelgangR Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Levi Waldron MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PCAN Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Matthew Page and Patrice Godard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bacon Version: 1.0.5 Maintainer: Maarten van Iterson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SwathXtend Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Jemma Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DNAshapeR Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Tsu-Pei Chiu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SpidermiR Version: 1.2.5 Maintainer: Claudia Cava MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DRIMSeq Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Malgorzata Nowicka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: debrowser Version: 1.0.10 Maintainer: Alper Kucukural MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GMRP Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Yuan-De Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ISoLDE Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Christelle Reynès MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CountClust Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Kushal Dey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: OncoScore Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Daniele Ramazzotti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AneuFinder Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Aaron Taudt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: recoup Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Panagiotis Moulos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genphen Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Simo Kitanovski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DEFormats Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Andrzej Oleś MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sscu Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Yu Sun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GenoGAM Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Georg Stricker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: isomiRs Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Lorena Pantano MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QUBIC Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Yu Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CINdex Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Yuriy Gusev MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EBSEA Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Arfa Mehmood MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BadRegionFinder Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Sarah Sandmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Linnorm Version: 1.0.6 Maintainer: Ken Shun Hang Yip MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CONFESS Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Diana LOW MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: odseq Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: José Jiménez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Glimma Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Shian Su MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: scran Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Aaron Lun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BatchQC Version: 1.0.22 Maintainer: Solaiappan Manimaran MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaExplorer Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Federico Marini MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: oppar Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Soroor Hediyeh zadeh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pqsfinder Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Jiri Hon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BgeeDB Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Andrea Komljenovic , Frederic Bastian MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genbankr Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Gabriel Becker MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LymphoSeq Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: David Coffey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pbcmc Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Cristobal Fresno MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: InteractionSet Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Aaron Lun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ClusterSignificance Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Jason T Serviss MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PureCN Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Markus Riester MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MultiDataSet Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Carlos Ruiz-Arenas MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Harman Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Jason Ross MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: epivizrServer Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: epivizrData Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diffloop Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Caleb Lareau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CHRONOS Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Panos Balomenos MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EGSEA Version: 1.0.3 Maintainer: Monther Alhamdoosh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MMDiff2 Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Gabriele Schweikert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ImmuneSpaceR Version: 1.0.2 Maintainer: Renan Sauteraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EGAD Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Sara Ballouz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: epivizrStandalone Version: 1.0.4 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None