### Running command:
###   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD INSTALL FamAgg

* installing to library ‘/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.3-arm64/Resources/library’
* installing *source* package ‘FamAgg’ ...
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
Creating a new generic function for ‘pedigree’ in package ‘FamAgg’
in method for ‘countGenerations’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘countGenerations’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘estimateGenerations’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘estimateGenerations’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘findFounders’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘findFounders’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘generationsFrom’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘generationsFrom’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getAncestors’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getAncestors’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getChildren’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getChildren’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getCommonAncestor’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getCommonAncestor’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getMissingMate’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getMissingMate’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getSiblings’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getSiblings’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getAll’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getAll’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getExternalMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getExternalMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getGenerationMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getGenerationMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getGenerationSexMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getGenerationSexMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
in method for ‘getSexMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigreeList"’: no definition for class “pedigreeList”
in method for ‘getSexMatched’ with signature ‘"pedigree"’: no definition for class “pedigree”
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (FamAgg)