############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data copynumber ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * checking for file ‘copynumber/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * preparing ‘copynumber’: * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK * installing the package to build vignettes * creating vignettes ... ERROR --- re-building ‘copynumber.rnw’ using Sweave Loading required package: BiocGenerics Attaching package: ‘BiocGenerics’ The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append, as.data.frame, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname, do.call, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int, rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Warning in switch(cyto.stain[band], gneg = "white", gpos100 = "black", gpos75 = "gray25", : EXPR is a "factor", treated as integer. Consider using 'switch(as.character( * ), ...)' instead. Error: processing vignette 'copynumber.rnw' failed with diagnostics: Running 'texi2dvi' on 'copynumber.tex' failed. LaTeX errors: ! LaTeX Error: \verb ended by end of line. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... ! Emergency stop. ... l.49 ... winsorize is available for this purpose. ! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced! --- failed re-building ‘copynumber.rnw’ SUMMARY: processing the following file failed: ‘copynumber.rnw’ Error: Vignette re-building failed. Execution halted