## TODO: update this to use Bioconductor package??? source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") major <- as.numeric(R.Version()$major) minor <- as.numeric(R.Version()$minor) if (major == 2 && (minor >= 12 && minor < 13)) { ##ok } else { ## stop("You must be running R version 2.12") } bioc_version <- NULL if (exists("biocVersion")) { bioc_version <- as.character(biocVersion()) } else { try(bioc_version <- as.character(BiocInstaller:::BIOC_VERSION), silent=TRUE) } if (is.null(bioc_version)) { if (rversion == "2.12") { bioc_version <- "2.7" } else if (rversion == "2.13") { bioc_version <- "2.8" } else if (rversion == "2.14") { bioc_version <- "2.9" } else if (rversion == "2.15") { isDevel <- NULL try (isDevel <- BiocInstaller:::.isDevel(), silent=TRUE) if (is.null(isDevel)) { stop("I don't know what version of Bioconductor you're running.") } if (isDevel) { bioc_version <- "2.11" } else { bioc_version <- "2.10" } } else { stop("I don't know what version of Bioconductor you're running.") } } rversion <- paste(R.Version()$major, as.integer(R.Version()$minor), sep=".") ##bioc_version <- character(0) scratchRepos <- paste("http://bioconductor.org/scratch-repos/", bioc_version, sep="") allRepos <- c(scratchRepos, biocinstallRepos()) handleWarnings <- function(w) { # print("in handleWarnings") if(any(grepl( "is not available", w))) invokeRestart("muffleWarning") } pkgInstall <- function(package, ...) { # print("in pkgInstall") withCallingHandlers({install.packages(package, repos=allRepos, ...)}, warning = handleWarnings) } library(RCurl) host <- getURL("") baseUrl <- sprintf("http://%s:3838/", host) demo1 <- function() { url <- sprintf("%s%s", baseUrl, "display") print("Launching. You may need to disable pop-up blockers") print(sprintf("URL is: %s", url)) browseURL(url) } demo2 <- function() { url <- sprintf("%s%s", baseUrl, "yeastCyDemo") print("Launching. You may need to disable pop-up blockers") print(sprintf("URL is: %s", url)) browseURL(url) }