## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE, fig.width=8.5, fig.height=6.5, eval=FALSE----
#  ## Define colors
#  colors <- c("#e19995", "#adaf64", "#4fbe9b", "#6eb3d9", "#d098d7")
#  ## Create artificial GInteractions
#  library(InteractionSet)
#  set.seed(5)
#  pool <- GInteractions(
#    anchor1 = GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#                      ranges = IRanges(start = sample(1:990, 120, replace = TRUE),
#                                       width = 10)),
#    anchor2 = GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#                      ranges = IRanges(start = sample(1:990, 120, replace = TRUE),
#                                       width = 10)),
#    mode = "strict",
#    color = sample(1:5, 120, replace = TRUE)
#  )
#  focal <- GInteractions(
#    anchor1 = GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#                      ranges = IRanges(start = sample(1:990, 16, replace = TRUE),
#                                       width = 10)),
#    anchor2 = GRanges(seqnames = "chr1",
#                      ranges = IRanges(start = sample(1:990, 16, replace = TRUE),
#                                       width = 10)),
#    mode = "strict",
#    color = sample(1:5, 16, replace = TRUE)
#  )
#  ## Add distance to metadata
#  pool$distance <- pairdist(pool)
#  focal$distance <- pairdist(focal)
#  ## Match ranges
#  library(nullranges)
#  set.seed(123)
#  x <- matchRanges(focal = focal,
#                   pool = pool,
#                   covar = ~color + distance,
#                   method = 'n', replace = TRUE)
#  ## Visualize sets
#  library(plotgardener)
#  library(grid)
#  set.seed(123)
#  pageCreate(width = 8.5, height = 6.5, showGuides = FALSE, xgrid = 0, ygrid = 0)
#  ## Define common parameters
#  p <- pgParams(chrom = "chr1", chromstart = 1, chromend = 1000)
#  ## Pool set
#  poolSet <- plotPairs(data = pool,
#                       params = p,
#                       fill = colors[pool$color],
#                       x = 1, y = 1.25, width = 2.5, height = 2.25)
#  annoGenomeLabel(plot = poolSet, x = 1, y = 3.55)
#  plotText(label = "Pool Set",
#              x = 2.25, y = 0.9,
#              just = c("center", "bottom"),
#              fontcolor = "#33A02C",
#              fontface = "bold",
#              fontfamily = 'mono')
#  ## Focal set
#  focalSet <- plotPairs(data = focal,
#                           params = p,
#                           fill = colors[focal$color],
#                           x = 5, y = 1.1, width = 2.5, height = 0.9)
#  annoGenomeLabel(plot = focalSet, x = 5, y = 2.05)
#  plotText(label = "Focal Set",
#              x = 6.25, y = 0.9,
#              just = c("center", "bottom"),
#              fontcolor = "#1F78B4",
#              fontface = "bold",
#              fontfamily = 'mono')
#  ## Matched set
#  matchedSet <- plotPairs(data = x,
#                             params = p,
#                             fill = colors[x$color],
#                             x = 5, y = 2.6, width = 2.5, height = 0.9)
#  annoGenomeLabel(plot = matchedSet, x = 5, y = 3.55)
#  plotText(label = "Matched Set",
#              x = 6.25, y = 2.50,
#              just = c("center", "bottom"),
#              fontcolor = "#A6CEE3",
#              fontface = "bold",
#              fontfamily = 'mono')
#  ## Arrow and matchRanges label
#  plotSegments(x0 = 3.5, y0 = 3,
#                  x1 = 5, y1 = 3,
#                  arrow = arrow(type = "closed", length = unit(0.1, "inches")),
#                  fill = "black", lwd = 2)
#  plotText(label = "matchRanges()", fontfamily = 'mono',
#              x = 4.25, y = 2.9, just = c("center", "bottom"))
#  ## Matching plots
#  library(ggplot2)
#  smallText <- theme(legend.title = element_text(size=8),
#                     legend.text=element_text(size=8),
#                     title = element_text(size=8),
#                     axis.title.x = element_text(size=8),
#                     axis.title.y = element_text(size=8))
#  plot1 <-
#    plotPropensity(x, sets=c('f','m','p')) +
#    smallText +
#    theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'),
#          title = element_blank())
#  plot2 <-
#    plotCovariate(x=x, covar=covariates(x)[1], sets=c('f','m','p')) +
#    smallText +
#    theme(legend.text = element_blank(),
#          legend.position = 'none')
#  plot3 <-
#    plotCovariate(x=x, covar=covariates(x)[2], sets=c('f','m','p'))+
#    smallText +
#    theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.5, 'lines'))
#  ## Propensity scores
#  plotText(label = "plotPropensity()",
#              x = 1.10, y = 4.24,
#              just = c("left", "bottom"),
#              fontface = "bold",
#              fontfamily = 'mono')
#  plotText(label = "~color + distance",
#              x = 1.25, y = 4.5,
#              just = c("left", "bottom"),
#              fontsize = 10,
#              fontfamily = "mono")
#  plotGG(plot = plot1,
#            x = 1, y = 4.5, width = 2.5, height = 1.5,
#            just = c("left", "top"))
#  ## Covariate balance
#  plotText(label = "plotCovariate()",
#              x = 3.75, y = 4.24,
#              just = c("left", "bottom"),
#              fontface = "bold",
#              fontfamily = "mono")
#  plotText(label = covariates(x),
#              x = c(4, 5.9), y = 4.5,
#              just = c("left", "bottom"),
#              fontsize = 10,
#              fontfamily = "mono")
#  plotGG(plot = plot2,
#            x = 3.50, y = 4.5, width = 1.8, height = 1.5,
#            just = c("left", "top"))
#  plotGG(plot = plot3,
#            x = 5.30, y = 4.5, width = 2.75, height = 1.5,
#            just = c("left", "top"))

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------
## Load example data
binPairs <- hg19_10kb_ctcfBoundBinPairs()

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------
mgi <- matchRanges(focal = binPairs[binPairs$looped],
                   pool = binPairs[!binPairs$looped],
                   covar = ~ctcfSignal + distance + n_sites,
                   method = 'stratified')

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------------
## Summarize ctcfSignal by n_sites
mgi %>%
  regions() %>%
  group_by(n_sites) %>%
  summarize(ctcfSignal = mean(ctcfSignal)) %>%
  as.data.frame() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = n_sites, y = ctcfSignal)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point(shape = 21, stroke = 1,  fill = 'white') +
    theme_minimal() +
    theme(panel.border = element_rect(color = 'black',
                                      fill = NA))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ov <- overview(mgi)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
plotPropensity(mgi, sets = c('f', 'p', 'm'))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plotPropensity(mgi, sets = c('f', 'p', 'm'), log = 'x')

## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.height=8, fig.width=5------------------
plots <- lapply(covariates(mgi), plotCovariate, x=mgi, sets = c('f', 'm', 'p'))
Reduce('/', plots)

## ----fig.width=6, fig.height=5------------------------------------------------
## Generate a randomly selected set from all binPairs
all <- c(focal(mgi), pool(mgi))
random <- all[sample(1:length(all), length(mgi), replace = FALSE)]
## Calculate the percent of convergent CTCF sites for each group
g1 <- (sum(focal(mgi)$convergent) / length(focal(mgi))) * 100
g2 <- (sum(pool(mgi)$convergent) / length(pool(mgi))) * 100
g3 <- (sum(random$convergent) / length(random)) * 100
g4 <- (sum(mgi$convergent) / length(mgi)) * 100
## Visualize
barplot(height = c(g1, g2, g3, g4),
        names.arg = c('looped\n(focal)', 'unlooped\n(pool)',
                      'all pairs\n(random)', 'unlooped\n(matched)'),
        col = c('#1F78B4', '#33A02C', 'orange2', '#A6CEE3'), 
        ylab = "Convergent CTCF Sites (%)",
        main = "Testing the Convergence Rule",
        border = NA,
        las = 1)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------