## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", crop = NULL, width = 180, dpi = 72, fig.align = "center", fig.width = 5, fig.asp = 0.7, dev = 'jpeg' ) ## ----warning = FALSE, include = FALSE, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, results = FALSE---- library(tidyCoverage) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("tidyCoverage") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidyCoverage) showClass("CoverageExperiment") data(ce) ce rowData(ce) rowRanges(ce) colData(ce) assays(ce) assay(ce, 'coverage') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assay(ce, 'coverage') assay(ce, 'coverage')[1, 1] |> class() assay(ce, 'coverage')[1, 1] |> length() assay(ce, 'coverage')[1, 1][[1]] |> class() assay(ce, 'coverage')[1, 1][[1]] |> dim() # Compare this to `rowData(ce)$n` and `width(ce)` rowData(ce)$n width(ce) assay(ce[1, 1], 'coverage')[[1]][1:10, 1:10] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- showClass("AggregatedCoverage") data(ac) ac rowData(ac) rowRanges(ac) colData(ac) assays(ac) assay(ac, 'mean') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assay(ac[1, 1], 'mean')[[1]] |> dim() assay(ac[1, 1], 'mean')[[1]] |> length() assay(ac[1, 1], 'mean')[[1]][1:10] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(rtracklayer) bw_file <- system.file("extdata", "MNase.bw", package = "tidyCoverage") bw_file bed_file <- system.file("extdata", "TSSs.bed", package = "tidyCoverage") bed_file CE <- CoverageExperiment( tracks = import(bw_file, as = "Rle"), features = import(bed_file), width = 3000 ) CE ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(rtracklayer) bw_file <- system.file("extdata", "MNase.bw", package = "tidyCoverage") bw_file bed_file <- system.file("extdata", "TSSs.bed", package = "tidyCoverage") bed_file CoverageExperiment( tracks = BigWigFile(bw_file), features = GRangesList('TSSs' = import(bed_file)), width = 3000 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- assay(CE, 'coverage')[1, 1][[1]] |> ncol() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE2 <- CoverageExperiment( tracks = import(bw_file, as = "Rle"), features = import(bed_file), width = 3000, window = 20 ) CE2 assay(CE2, 'coverage')[1, 1][[1]] |> ncol() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CE3 <- coarsen(CE, window = 20) CE3 identical(CE2, CE3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(CE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- expand(CE3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Import coverage tracks into a named list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # tracks <- list( Scc1 = system.file("extdata", "Scc1.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), RNA_fwd = system.file("extdata", "RNA.fwd.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), RNA_rev = system.file("extdata", "RNA.rev.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), PolII = system.file("extdata", "PolII.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), MNase = system.file("extdata", "MNase.bw", package = "tidyCoverage") ) |> BigWigFileList() locus <- GRanges("II:450001-475000") # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Instantiate a CoverageExperiment object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # CE_chrII <- CoverageExperiment( tracks = tracks, features = locus, width = width(locus) ) CE_chrII ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggplot2) CE_chrII |> coarsen(window = 10) |> expand() |> ggplot(aes(x = coord, y = coverage)) + geom_col(aes(fill = track, col = track)) + facet_grid(track~., scales = 'free') + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = "none", aspect.ratio = 0.1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC <- aggregate(CE) AC assay(AC, 'mean')[1, 1][[1]] |> length() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC20 <- aggregate(CE, bin = 20) AC20 assay(AC20, 'mean')[1, 1][[1]] |> length() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- as_tibble(AC20) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Coarsen `CoverageExperiment` with `window = ...` then per-bin `aggregate`: CoverageExperiment( tracks = import(bw_file, as = "Rle"), features = import(bed_file), width = 3000 ) |> coarsen(window = 20) |> ## FIRST COARSEN... aggregate() |> ## ... THEN AGGREGATE as_tibble() # Per-base `CoverageExperiment` then `aggregate` with `bin = ...`: CoverageExperiment( tracks = import(bw_file, as = "Rle"), features = import(bed_file), width = 3000 ) |> aggregate(bin = 20) |> ## DIRECTLY AGGREGATE BY BIN as_tibble() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(purrr) library(plyranges) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Import genomic features into a named list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # features <- list( TSSs = system.file("extdata", "TSSs.bed", package = "tidyCoverage"), `Convergent transcription` = system.file("extdata", "conv_transcription_loci.bed", package = "tidyCoverage") ) |> map(import) |> map(filter, strand == '+') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Import coverage tracks into a named list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # tracks <- list( Scc1 = system.file("extdata", "Scc1.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), RNA_fwd = system.file("extdata", "RNA.fwd.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), RNA_rev = system.file("extdata", "RNA.rev.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), PolII = system.file("extdata", "PolII.bw", package = "tidyCoverage"), MNase = system.file("extdata", "MNase.bw", package = "tidyCoverage") ) |> map(import, as = 'Rle') # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compute aggregated coverage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # CE <- CoverageExperiment(tracks, features, width = 5000, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE) CE AC <- aggregate(CE) AC ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC |> as_tibble() |> ggplot() + geom_aggrcoverage() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC |> as_tibble() |> ggplot(aes(col = track)) + geom_aggrcoverage() + facet_grid(features ~ .) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC |> as_tibble() |> ggplot(aes(col = track, linetype = track %in% c('RNA_fwd', 'RNA_rev'))) + geom_aggrcoverage() + facet_grid(features ~ .) + labs(x = 'Distance from genomic feature', y = 'Mean coverage (± 95% conf. intervale)') + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(tidySummarizedExperiment) CE AC <- CE |> filter(track == 'Scc1') |> filter(features == 'Convergent transcription') |> aggregate() AC ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC |> ggplot() + geom_aggrcoverage() + labs(x = 'Distance from locus of convergent transcription', y = 'Scc1 coverage') + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoverageExperiment(tracks, features, width = 5000, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE) |> filter(track == 'RNA_fwd') |> aggregate(bin = 20) |> ggplot(col = features) + geom_aggrcoverage(aes(col = features)) + labs(x = 'Distance to center of genomic features', y = 'Forward RNA-seq coverage') + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top') ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene TSSs <- GenomicFeatures::genes(txdb) |> filter(strand == '+') |> anchor_5p() |> mutate(width = 1) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(AnnotationHub) ah <- AnnotationHub() ah['AH34904'] H3K4me3_bw <- ah[['AH34904']] H3K4me3_bw ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CoverageExperiment( H3K4me3_bw, TSSs, width = 6000, scale = TRUE, center = TRUE ) |> aggregate() |> ggplot() + geom_aggrcoverage(aes(col = track)) + facet_grid(track ~ .) + labs(x = 'Distance from TSSs', y = 'Mean coverage') + theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = 'top') ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # ~~~~~~~~~~ Recover 15 different histone PTM ChIP-seq tracks ~~~~~~~~~~ # # ids <- c( # 'AH35163', 'AH35165', 'AH35167', 'AH35170', 'AH35173', 'AH35176', # 'AH35178', 'AH35180', 'AH35182', 'AH35185', 'AH35187', 'AH35189', # 'AH35191', 'AH35193', 'AH35196' # ) # names(ids) <- mcols(ah[ids])$title |> # gsub(".*IMR90.", "", x = _) |> # gsub("\\..*", "", x = _) # bws <- map(ids, ~ ah[[.x]]) |> # map(resource) |> # BigWigFileList() # names(bws) <- names(ids) # # # ~~~~~~~~~~ Computing coverage over TSSs ~~~~~~~~~~ # # AC <- CoverageExperiment( # bws, TSSs, # width = 4000, # scale = TRUE, center = TRUE # ) |> aggregate() # # # ~~~~~~~~~~ Plot the resulting AggregatedCoverage object ~~~~~~~~~~ # # AC |> # as_tibble() |> # mutate( # histone = dplyr::case_when( # stringr::str_detect(track, 'H2A') ~ "H2A", # stringr::str_detect(track, 'H2B') ~ "H2B", # stringr::str_detect(track, 'H3') ~ "H3" # ) # ) |> # ggplot() + # geom_aggrcoverage(aes(col = track)) + # facet_grid(~histone) + # labs(x = 'Distance from TSSs', y = 'Mean histone PTM coverage') + # theme_bw() + # theme(legend.position = 'top') + # hues::scale_colour_iwanthue() + # hues::scale_fill_iwanthue() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()