--- title: "How to reanalyze the results of scTensor" author: - name: Koki Tsuyuzaki affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research - name: Manabu Ishii affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research - name: Itoshi Nikaido affiliation: Laboratory for Bioinformatics Research, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research email: k.t.the-answer@hotmail.co.jp package: scTensor output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: | %\VignetteIndexEntry{scTensor: 4. Reanalysis of the results of scTensor} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- # Summary of the output objects of scTensor Here, we introduced the objects saved in reanalysis.RData. ```{r reanalysis.RData, eval=FALSE} library("scTensor") load("reanalysis.RData") ``` After performing `cellCellReport`, some R objects are saved in the reanalysis.RData as follows; - **sce** : SingleCellExperiment object - **metadata(sce)$lrbase** : The file pass to the database file of LRBase - **metadata(sce)$color** : The color vector specified by `cellCellSetting` - **metadata(sce)$label** : The label vector specified by `cellCellSetting` - **metadata(sce)$algorithm** : The algorithm for performing `r Biocpkg("scTensor")` - **metadata(sce)$sctensor** : The results of `r Biocpkg("scTensor")` - **metadata(sce)\$sctensor\$ligand** : The factor matrix (Ligand) - **metadata(sce)\$sctensor\$receptor** : The factor matrix (Receptor) - **metadata(sce)\$sctensor\$lrpair** : The core tensor - **metadata(sce)$datasize** : The data size of CCI tensor - **metadata(sce)$ranks** : The number of lower dimension in each direction of CCI tensor - **metadata(sce)$recerror** : Reconstruction Error of NTD - **metadata(sce)$relchange** : Relative Change of NTD - **input** : The gene expression matrix <# Genes * # Cells> - **twoD** : The result of 2D dimensional reduction (e.g. t-SNE) - **LR** : The Ligand-Receptor corresponding table extracted from LRBase.XXX.eg.db - **celltypes** : The celltype label and color scheme - **index** : The core tensor values - **corevalue** : The core tensor values (normalized) - **selected** : The selected corevalue position with thr threshold "thr" - **ClusterL** : The result of analysis in each L vector - **ClusterR** : The result of analysis in each R vector - **out.vecLR** : The result of analysis in LR pairs - **g** : The igraph object to visualize ligand-receptor gene network # Execution of scTensor with the different options Using the `reanalysis.RData`, some users may want to perform `r Biocpkg("scTensor")` with different parameters. For example, some users want to perform `cellCellDecomp` with different ranks, perform `cellCellReport` with omitting some enrichment analysis, provide the results to their collaborators. To do such tasks, just type like belows. ```{r Reanalysis, eval=FALSE} library("AnnotationHub") library("LRBaseDbi") # Create LRBase object ah <- AnnotationHub() dbfile <- query(ah, c("LRBaseDb", "Homo sapiens", "v002"))[[1]] LRBase.Hsa.eg.db <- LRBaseDbi::LRBaseDb(dbfile) # Register the file pass of user's LRBase metadata(sce)$lrbase <- dbfile(LRBase.Hsa.eg.db) # CCI Tensor Decomposition cellCellDecomp(sce, ranks=c(6,5), assayNames="normcounts") # HTML Report cellCellReport(sce, reducedDimNames="TSNE", assayNames="normcounts", title="Cell-cell interaction within Germline_Male, GSE86146", author="Koki Tsuyuzaki", html.open=TRUE, goenrich=TRUE, meshenrich=FALSE, reactomeenrich=FALSE, doenrich=FALSE, ncgenrich=FALSE, dgnenrich=FALSE) ``` # Session information {.unnumbered} ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```