## ----echo = FALSE, message = FALSE-------------------------------------------- suppressWarnings(library(knitr)) suppressWarnings(library(kableExtra)) opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) ## ----getPackage, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # if (!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages('BiocManager') # # BiocManager::install('scDataviz') # ## ----getPackageDevel, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------- # # devtools::install_github('kevinblighe/scDataviz') # ## ----Load, message = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- library(scDataviz) ## ----readFCS, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # # filelist <- list.files( # path = "scDataviz_data/FCS/", # pattern = "*.fcs|*.FCS", # full.names = TRUE) # filelist # # metadata <- data.frame( # sample = gsub('\\ [A-Za-z0-9]*\\.fcs$', '', # gsub('scDataviz_data\\/FCS\\/\\/', '', filelist)), # group = c(rep('Healthy', 7), rep('Disease', 11)), # treatment = gsub('\\.fcs$', '', # gsub('scDataviz_data\\/FCS\\/\\/[A-Z0-9]*\\ ', '', filelist)), # row.names = filelist, # stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # metadata # # inclusions <- c('Yb171Di','Nd144Di','Nd145Di', # 'Er168Di','Tm169Di','Sm154Di','Yb173Di','Yb174Di', # 'Lu175Di','Nd143Di') # # markernames <- c('Foxp3','C3aR','CD4', # 'CD46','CD25','CD3','Granzyme B','CD55', # 'CD279','CD45RA') # # names(markernames) <- inclusions # markernames # # exclusions <- c('Time','Event_length','BCKG190Di', # 'Center','Offset','Width','Residual') # # sce <- processFCS( # files = filelist, # metadata = metadata, # transformation = TRUE, # transFun = function (x) asinh(x), # asinhFactor = 5, # downsample = 10000, # downsampleVar = 0.7, # colsRetain = inclusions, # colsDiscard = exclusions, # newColnames = markernames) # ## ----readFCSparameters, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------ # # library(flowCore) # pData(parameters( # read.FCS(filelist[[4]], transformation = FALSE, emptyValue = FALSE))) # ## ----load--------------------------------------------------------------------- load(system.file('extdata/', 'complosome.rdata', package = 'scDataviz')) ## ----ex1, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 8, fig.cap = 'Perform PCA'-------------- library(PCAtools) p <- pca(assay(sce, 'scaled'), metadata = metadata(sce)) biplot(p, x = 'PC1', y = 'PC2', lab = NULL, xlim = c(min(p$rotated[,'PC1'])-1, max(p$rotated[,'PC1'])+1), ylim = c(min(p$rotated[,'PC2'])-1, max(p$rotated[,'PC2'])+1), pointSize = 1.0, colby = 'treatment', legendPosition = 'right', title = 'PCA applied to CyTOF data', caption = paste0('10000 cells randomly selected after ', 'having filtered for low variance')) ## ----addPCAdim---------------------------------------------------------------- reducedDim(sce, 'PCA') <- p$rotated ## ----performUMAP-------------------------------------------------------------- sce <- performUMAP(sce) ## ----eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------------------ # # config <- umap::umap.defaults # config$min_dist <- 0.5 # performUMAP(sce, config = config) # ## ----elbowHorn---------------------------------------------------------------- elbow <- findElbowPoint(p$variance) horn <- parallelPCA(assay(sce, 'scaled')) elbow horn$n ## ----performUMAP_PCA---------------------------------------------------------- sce <- performUMAP(sce, reducedDim = 'PCA', dims = c(1:5)) ## ----ex2, fig.height = 7.5, fig.width = 16, fig.cap = 'Create a contour plot of the UMAP layout'---- ggout1 <- contourPlot(sce, reducedDim = 'UMAP', bins = 150, subtitle = 'UMAP performed on expression values', legendLabSize = 18, axisLabSize = 22, titleLabSize = 22, subtitleLabSize = 18, captionLabSize = 18) ggout2 <- contourPlot(sce, reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', bins = 150, subtitle = 'UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', legendLabSize = 18, axisLabSize = 22, titleLabSize = 22, subtitleLabSize = 18, captionLabSize = 18) cowplot::plot_grid(ggout1, ggout2, labels = c('A','B'), ncol = 2, align = "l", label_size = 24) ## ----ex3, fig.height = 12, fig.width = 20, fig.cap = 'Show marker expression across the layout'---- markers <- sample(rownames(sce), 6) markers ggout1 <- markerExpression(sce, markers = markers, subtitle = 'UMAP performed on expression values', nrow = 1, ncol = 6, legendKeyHeight = 1.0, legendLabSize = 18, stripLabSize = 22, axisLabSize = 22, titleLabSize = 22, subtitleLabSize = 18, captionLabSize = 18) ggout2 <- markerExpression(sce, markers = markers, reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', subtitle = 'UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', nrow = 1, ncol = 6, col = c('white', 'darkblue'), legendKeyHeight = 1.0, legendLabSize = 18, stripLabSize = 22, axisLabSize = 22, titleLabSize = 22, subtitleLabSize = 18, captionLabSize = 18) cowplot::plot_grid(ggout1, ggout2, labels = c('A','B'), nrow = 2, align = "l", label_size = 24) ## ----metadataPlot------------------------------------------------------------- head(metadata(sce)) levels(metadata(sce)$group) levels(metadata(sce)$treatment) ## ----ex4, fig.height = 12, fig.width = 14, fig.cap = 'Shade cells by metadata', message = FALSE---- ggout1 <- metadataPlot(sce, colby = 'group', colkey = c(Healthy = 'royalblue', Disease = 'red2'), title = 'Disease status', subtitle = 'UMAP performed on expression values', legendLabSize = 16, axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) ggout2 <- metadataPlot(sce, reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', colby = 'group', colkey = c(Healthy = 'royalblue', Disease = 'red2'), title = 'Disease status', subtitle = 'UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', legendLabSize = 16, axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) ggout3 <- metadataPlot(sce, colby = 'treatment', title = 'Treatment type', subtitle = 'UMAP performed on expression values', legendLabSize = 16, axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) ggout4 <- metadataPlot(sce, reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', colby = 'treatment', title = 'Treatment type', subtitle = 'UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', legendLabSize = 16, axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) cowplot::plot_grid(ggout1, ggout3, ggout2, ggout4, labels = c('A','B','C','D'), nrow = 2, ncol = 2, align = "l", label_size = 24) ## ----ex5, message = FALSE, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 14, fig.cap = 'Find ideal clusters in the UMAP layout via k-nearest neighbours'---- sce <- clusKNN(sce, k.param = 20, prune.SNN = 1/15, resolution = 0.01, algorithm = 2, verbose = FALSE) sce <- clusKNN(sce, reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', clusterAssignName = 'Cluster_PCA', k.param = 20, prune.SNN = 1/15, resolution = 0.01, algorithm = 2, verbose = FALSE) ggout1 <- plotClusters(sce, clusterColname = 'Cluster', labSize = 7.0, subtitle = 'UMAP performed on expression values', caption = paste0('Note: clusters / communities identified via', '\nLouvain algorithm with multilevel refinement'), axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) ggout2 <- plotClusters(sce, clusterColname = 'Cluster_PCA', reducedDim = 'UMAP_PCA', labSize = 7.0, subtitle = 'UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', caption = paste0('Note: clusters / communities identified via', '\nLouvain algorithm with multilevel refinement'), axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 16, captionLabSize = 16) cowplot::plot_grid(ggout1, ggout2, labels = c('A','B'), ncol = 2, align = "l", label_size = 24) ## ----ex6a, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # # markerExpressionPerCluster(sce, # caption = 'Cluster assignments based on UMAP performed on expression values', # stripLabSize = 22, # axisLabSize = 22, # titleLabSize = 22, # subtitleLabSize = 18, # captionLabSize = 18) # ## ----ex6b, fig.height = 7, fig.width = 12, fig.cap = 'Plot marker expression per identified cluster2'---- clusters <- unique(metadata(sce)[['Cluster_PCA']]) clusters markers <- sample(rownames(sce), 5) markers markerExpressionPerCluster(sce, clusters = clusters, clusterAssign = metadata(sce)[['Cluster_PCA']], markers = markers, nrow = 2, ncol = 5, caption = 'Cluster assignments based on UMAP performed on PC eigenvectors', stripLabSize = 22, axisLabSize = 22, titleLabSize = 22, subtitleLabSize = 18, captionLabSize = 18) ## ----ex6c, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 8, fig.cap = 'Plot marker expression per identified cluster3'---- cluster <- sample(unique(metadata(sce)[['Cluster']]), 1) cluster markerExpressionPerCluster(sce, clusters = cluster, markers = rownames(sce), stripLabSize = 20, axisLabSize = 20, titleLabSize = 20, subtitleLabSize = 14, captionLabSize = 12) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # markerEnrichment(sce, # method = 'quantile', # studyvarID = 'group') # ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # markerEnrichment(sce, # sampleAbundances = FALSE, # method = 'quantile', # studyvarID = 'treatment') # ## ----ex7, fig.height = 8, fig.width = 6, fig.cap = 'Determine enriched markers in each cluster and plot the expression signature'---- plotSignatures(sce, labCex = 1.2, legendCex = 1.2, labDegree = 40) ## ----import_Seurat1, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # # sce <- as.SingleCellExperiment(pbmc) # # metadata(sce) <- data.frame(colData(sce)) # # markerExpression(sce, # assay = 'logcounts', # reducedDim = 'UMAP', # dimColnames = c('UMAP_1','UMAP_2'), # markers = c('CD79A', 'Cd79B', 'MS4A1')) # ## ----import_Seurat2, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # # markerEnrichment(sce, # assay = 'logcounts', # method = 'quantile', # sampleAbundances = TRUE, # sampleID = 'orig.ident', # studyvarID = 'ident', # clusterAssign = as.character(colData(sce)[['seurat_clusters']])) # ## ----importRandomData1-------------------------------------------------------- mat <- jitter(matrix( MASS::rnegbin(rexp(50000, rate=.1), theta = 4.5), ncol = 20)) colnames(mat) <- paste0('CD', 1:ncol(mat)) rownames(mat) <- paste0('cell', 1:nrow(mat)) metadata <- data.frame( group = rep('A', nrow(mat)), row.names = rownames(mat), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) head(metadata) sce <- importData(mat, assayname = 'normcounts', metadata = metadata) sce ## ----importRandomData2-------------------------------------------------------- sce <- importData(mat, assayname = 'normcounts', metadata = NULL) sce ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()