## ----setup, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---------------------------------- library(omada) sessionInfo() ## ----feasibility_analysis, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------- # Selecting dimensions and number of clusters new.dataset.analysis <- feasibilityAnalysis(classes = 4, samples = 50, features = 15) # Basing the simulation on an existing dataset and selecting the number of clusters existing.dataset.analysis <- feasibilityAnalysisDataBased(data = toy_genes, classes = 3) # Extract results of either function average.sts.k <- get_average_stabilities_per_k(new.dataset.analysis) maximum.st <- get_max_stability(new.dataset.analysis) average.st <- get_average_stability(new.dataset.analysis) generated.ds <- get_generated_dataset(new.dataset.analysis) ## ----omada, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.asp = .42, fig.align='center'---- # Running the whole cascade of tools inputting an expression dataset # and the upper k (number of clusters) to be investigated omada.analysis <- omada(toy_genes, method.upper.k = 6) # Extract results pa.scores <- get_partition_agreement_scores(omada.analysis) fs.scores <- get_feature_selection_scores(omada.analysis) fs.optimal.features <- get_feature_selection_optimal_features(omada.analysis) fs.optimal.number.of.features <- get_feature_selection_optimal_number_of_features(omada.analysis) cv.scores <- get_cluster_voting_scores(omada.analysis) cv.memberships <- get_cluster_voting_memberships(omada.analysis) cv.metrics.votes <- get_cluster_voting_metric_votes(omada.analysis) cv.k.votes <- get_cluster_voting_k_votes(omada.analysis) sample.memberships <- get_sample_memberships(omada.analysis) # Plot results plot_partition_agreement(omada.analysis) plot_feature_selection(omada.analysis) plot_cluster_voting(omada.analysis) ## ----method-selection, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.asp = .42, fig.align='center'---- # Selecting the upper k limit and number of comparisons method.results <- clusteringMethodSelection(toy_genes, method.upper.k = 3, number.of.comparisons = 2) # Extract results pa.scores <- get_partition_agreement_scores(method.results) # Plot results plot_partition_agreement(method.results) ## ----partition_agreement, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE-------------------- # Selecting algorithms, measures and number of clusters agreement.results <- partitionAgreement(toy_genes, algorithm.1 = "spectral", measure.1 = "rbfdot", algorithm.2 = "kmeans", measure.2 = "Lloyd", number.of.clusters = 3) # Extract results pa.scores <- get_agreement_scores(agreement.results) ## ----feature-selection, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.asp = .42, fig.align='center'---- # Selecting minimum and maximum number of clusters and feature step feature.selection.results <- featureSelection(toy_genes, min.k = 3, max.k = 6, step = 3) # Extract results feature.selection.scores <- get_average_feature_k_stabilities(feature.selection.results) optimal.number.of.features <- get_optimal_number_of_features optimal.features <- get_optimal_features(feature.selection.results) # Plot results plot_average_stabilities(feature.selection.results) ## ----cluster_voting, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.asp = .42, fig.align='center'---- # Selecting minimum and maximum number of clusters and algorithm to be used cluster.voting.results <- clusterVoting(toy_genes, 4,8,"sc") # Extract results internal.metric.scores <- get_internal_metric_scores(cluster.voting.results) cluster.memberships.k <- get_cluster_memberships_k(cluster.voting.results) metric.votes.k <- get_metric_votes_k(cluster.voting.results) vote.frequencies.k <- get_vote_frequencies_k(cluster.voting.results) # Plot results plot_vote_frequencies(cluster.voting.results) ## ----optimal_clustering, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE--------------------- # Running the clustering with specific number of clusters(k) and algorithm sample.memberships <- optimalClustering(toy_genes, 4, "spectral") # Extract results memberships <- get_optimal_memberships(sample.memberships) optimal.stability <- get_optimal_stability_score(sample.memberships) optimal.parameter <- get_optimal_parameter_used(sample.memberships)