## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # # BiocManager::install("multiWGCNA") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("devtools") # # devtools::install_github("fogellab/multiWGCNA") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(multiWGCNA) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Download data from the ExperimentHub library(ExperimentHub) eh = ExperimentHub() # Note: this requires the SummarizedExperiment package to be installed eh_query = query(eh, c("multiWGCNAdata")) autism_se = eh_query[["EH8219"]] # Collect the metadata in the sampleTable sampleTable = colData(autism_se) # Randomly sample 1500 genes from the expression matrix set.seed(1) autism_se = autism_se[sample(rownames(autism_se), 1500),] # Check the data assays(autism_se)[[1]][1:5, 1:5] # sampleTable$Status = paste0("test_", sampleTable$Status, "_test") # sampleTable$Sample = paste0(sampleTable$Sample, "_test") sampleTable # Define our conditions for trait 1 (disease) and 2 (brain region) conditions1 = unique(sampleTable[,2]) conditions2 = unique(sampleTable[,3]) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct the combined networks and all the sub-networks (autism only, controls only, FC only, and TC only) autism_networks = constructNetworks(autism_se, sampleTable, conditions1, conditions2, networkType = "unsigned", power = 10, minModuleSize = 40, maxBlockSize = 25000, reassignThreshold = 0, minKMEtoStay = 0.7, mergeCutHeight = 0.10, numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, verbose=3, saveTOMs = TRUE) ## ----fig.height = 4, fig.width = 7-------------------------------------------- # Save results to a list results=list() results$overlaps=iterate(autism_networks, overlapComparisons, plot=TRUE) # Check the reciprocal best matches between the autism and control networks head(results$overlaps$autism_vs_controls$bestMatches) ## ----fig.height=6, fig.width=4------------------------------------------------ networks = c("autism", "controls") toms = lapply(networks, function(x) { load(paste0(x, '-block.1.RData')) get("TOM") }) # Check module autism_005 TOMFlowPlot(autism_networks, networks, toms, genes_to_label = topNGenes(autism_networks$autism, "autism_005"), color = 'black', alpha = 0.1, width = 0.05) ## ----fig.height = 6, fig.width = 7-------------------------------------------- # Run differential module expression analysis (DME) on combined networks results$diffModExp = runDME(autism_networks[["combined"]], sampleTable, p.adjust="fdr", refCondition="Tissue", testCondition="Status") # plot=TRUE, # out="combined_DME.pdf") # to run PERMANNOVA # library(vegan) # results$diffModExp = runDME(autism_networks[["combined"]], p.adjust="fdr", refCondition="Tissue", # testCondition="Status", plot=TRUE, test="PERMANOVA", out="PERMANOVA_DME.pdf") # Check adjusted p-values for the two sample traits results$diffModExp # You can check the expression of a specific module like this. Note that the values reported in the bottom panel title are p-values and not FDR-adjusted like in results$diffModExp diffModuleExpression(autism_networks[["combined"]], geneList = topNGenes(autism_networks[["combined"]], "combined_004"), design = sampleTable, test = "ANOVA", plotTitle = "combined_004", plot = TRUE) ## ----fig.height = 3, fig.width = 7-------------------------------------------- # To enable multi-threading # library(doParallel) # library(WGCNA) # nCores = 8 # registerDoParallel(cores = nCores) # enableWGCNAThreads(nThreads = nCores) # Calculate preservation statistics results$preservation=iterate(autism_networks[conditions1], # this does autism vs control; change to "conditions2" to perform comparison between FC and TC preservationComparisons, write=FALSE, plot=TRUE, nPermutations=10) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print a summary of the results summarizeResults(autism_networks, results) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()