## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(crop = NULL) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager")) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("ggmanh") ## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4 ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(ggmanh) library(SeqArray) ## ----simulated_data----------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1000) nsim <- 50000 simdata <- data.frame( "chromosome" = sample(c(1:22,"X"), size = nsim, replace = TRUE), "position" = sample(1:100000000, size = nsim), "P.value" = rbeta(nsim, shape1 = 5, shape2 = 1)^7 ) ## ----showsimdata-------------------------------------------------------------- head(simdata) ## ----order_chrom-------------------------------------------------------------- simdata$chromosome <- factor(simdata$chromosome, c(1:22,"X")) ## ----manh_minimum------------------------------------------------------------- g <- manhattan_plot(x = simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", plot.title = "Simulated P.Values", y.label = "P") g ## ----simdata_w_signif--------------------------------------------------------- tmpdata <- data.frame( "chromosome" = c(rep(5, 10), rep(21, 5)), "position" = c(sample(250000:250100, 10, replace = FALSE), sample(590000:600000, 5, replace = FALSE)), "P.value" = c(10^-(rnorm(10, 100, 3)), 10^-rnorm(5, 9, 1)) ) simdata <- rbind(simdata, tmpdata) simdata$chromosome <- factor(simdata$chromosome, c(1:22,"X")) ## ----manh_badscale------------------------------------------------------------ g <- manhattan_plot(x = simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", plot.title = "Simulated P.Values - Significant", rescale = FALSE) g ## ----manh_goodscale----------------------------------------------------------- g <- manhattan_plot(x = simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", plot.title = "Simulated P.Values - Significant", rescale = TRUE) g ## ----label_data--------------------------------------------------------------- sig <- simdata$P.value < 5e-07 simdata$label <- "" simdata$label[sig] <- sprintf("Label: %i", 1:sum(sig)) ## ----plot_labelled_data_biglabel---------------------------------------------- simdata$label2 <- "" i <- (simdata$chromosome == 5) & (simdata$P.value < 5e-8) simdata$label2[i] <- paste("Chromosome 5 label", 1:sum(i)) mpdata <- manhattan_data_preprocess(x = simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position") g <- manhattan_plot(x = mpdata, label.colname = "label", plot.title = "Simulated P.Values with labels") g g <- manhattan_plot(x = mpdata, label.colname = "label2", label.font.size = 2, plot.title = "Simulated P.Values with labels", max.overlaps = Inf, force = 5) g ## ----highlight chromosome----------------------------------------------------- simdata$color <- "Not Significant" simdata$color[simdata$P.value <= 5e-8] <- "Significant" highlight_colormap <- c("Not Significant" = "grey", "Significant" = "black") tmp <- manhattan_data_preprocess( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", highlight.colname = "color", highlight.col = highlight_colormap ) g_nohighlight <- manhattan_plot(tmp, plot.title = "No Highlight Points") g <- manhattan_plot(tmp, plot.title = "Highlight Points", color.by.highlight = TRUE) g_nohighlight g ## ----chromosome--------------------------------------------------------------- manhattan_plot(simdata, chromosome = 5, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- binned_manhattan_plot(simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- binned_manhattan_plot( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", bins.x = 7, # number of bins for the "widest" chromosome, either calculated by position or by number of variants bins.y = 100, # number of vertical bins show.legend = FALSE, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpdat <- binned_manhattan_preprocess( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", bins.x = 7, bins.y = 100, chr.gap.scaling = 0.5, # scaling factor for chromo some gap show.message = FALSE # this suppresses some warning messages built into the function ) binned_manhattan_plot(mpdat, bin.outline = TRUE) ## ----error=TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------- # using discrete palette for continuous binned_manhattan_plot( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", bins.x = 7, bins.y = 100, show.legend = FALSE, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot", bin.palette = "Polychrome::dark", # choose bin palette palette.direction = -1 # set to -1 for reverse palette direction ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # using discrete palette for discrete binned_manhattan_plot( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", highlight.colname = "chromosome", chr.gap.scaling = 0.4, bins.x = 7, bins.y = 100, show.legend = FALSE, # choose not to show legend plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot", bin.palette = "Polychrome::dark", palette.direction = -1 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # using continuous palette for continuous variable binned_manhattan_plot( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", chr.gap.scaling = 0.4, bins.x = 7, bins.y = 100, show.legend = FALSE, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot", bin.palette = "pals::kovesi.isoluminant_cm_70_c39", palette.direction = -1 ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmp <- manhattan_data_preprocess( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position" ) mpdata <- binned_manhattan_preprocess( simdata, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", bins.x = 7, bins.y = 100, chr.gap.scaling = 0.5, # summary expression list summarise.expression.list = list( max_log10p ~ max(-log10(P.value)), # creates column "min_log10p", which holds the maximum -log10(P.value) among the variants inside the bin signif ~ ifelse(max(P.value) < 5e-8, "Significant", "Not Significant") # creates column "signif" which indicates significance of the bin ) ) print(head(mpdata$data)) binned_manhattan_plot( mpdata, bin.palette = "Polychrome::dark", bin.alpha = 1, bin.outline = TRUE, highlight.colname = "signif", signif.lwd = 0.5, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot" ) binned_manhattan_plot( mpdata, bin.palette = "viridis::inferno", bin.alpha = 1, bin.outline = TRUE, bin.outline.alpha = 0.3, highlight.colname = "max_log10p", signif.lwd = 0.5, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot" ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- binned_manhattan_plot( mpdata, bin.palette = "viridis::inferno", bin.alpha = 1, bin.outline = TRUE, bin.outline.alpha = 0.3, highlight.colname = "max_log10p", signif.lwd = 0.5, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot", plot.subtitle = "Default nonsignif value = NA", nonsignif.default = NA ) binned_manhattan_plot( mpdata, bin.palette = "viridis::inferno", bin.alpha = 1, bin.outline = TRUE, bin.outline.alpha = 0.3, highlight.colname = "max_log10p", signif.lwd = 0.5, plot.title = "Binned Manhattan Plot", plot.subtitle = "Default nonsignif value = 0", nonsignif.default = 0 ) ## ----locate_gds, results="hide"----------------------------------------------- default_gds_path <- system.file("extdata", "gnomad.exomes.vep.hg19.v5.gds", mustWork = TRUE, package = "ggmanh") print(default_gds_path) gds <- SeqArray::seqOpen(default_gds_path) print(gds) SeqArray::seqClose(gds) ## ----gds_annotation_demonstration--------------------------------------------- sampledata <- data.frame( chromosome = c(1, 17, 19, 22), position = c(12422750, 10366900, 43439739, 39710145), Reference = c("A", "T", "T", "G"), Alternate = c("G", "G", "C", "A") ) gds_annotate( sampledata, annot.method = "position", chr = "chromosome", pos = "position", ref = "Reference", alt = "Alternate" ) ## ----manhattan_label_with_gds------------------------------------------------- simdata$Reference <- NA simdata$Alternate <- NA simdata <- simdata[,c("chromosome", "position", "Reference", "Alternate", "P.value")] sampledata$P.value <- 10^-rnorm(4, 14, 1) sampledata <- sampledata[c("chromosome", "position", "Reference", "Alternate", "P.value")] simdata_label <- rbind(simdata, sampledata) # add annotation simdata_label$label <- gds_annotate(x = simdata_label, annot.method = "position", chr = "chromosome", pos = "position", ref = "Reference", alt = "Alternate") manhattan_plot(simdata_label, outfn = NULL, pval.colname = "P.value", chr.colname = "chromosome", pos.colname = "position", label.colname = "label") ## ----sessionInfo-------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()