## ----Setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, message = FALSE, crop = NULL) ## ----Install, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # # BiocManager::install("gg4way") ## ----Install GitHub, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) { # install.packages("remotes") # } # # remotes::install_github("ben-laufer/gg4way") ## ----Prepare data------------------------------------------------------------- library("airway") data("airway") se <- airway library("org.Hs.eg.db") rowData(se)$symbol <- mapIds(org.Hs.eg.db, keys = rownames(se), column = "SYMBOL", keytype = "ENSEMBL") rowData(se)$ID <- rownames(se) se <- se[!is.na(rowData(se)$symbol)] ## ----limma-------------------------------------------------------------------- library("edgeR") library("limma") dge <- se |> SE2DGEList() design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + cell + dex, data = dge$samples) colnames(design) <- gsub("cell", "", colnames(design)) contr.matrix <- makeContrasts(N61311 - N052611, N061011 - N052611, levels = c("N052611", "N061011", "N080611", "N61311", "dexuntrt")) keep <- filterByExpr(dge, design) dge <- dge[keep, ] efit <- dge |> calcNormFactors() |> voom(design) |> lmFit(design) |> contrasts.fit(contrasts = contr.matrix) |> eBayes() ## ----limmaPlot, fig.cap="gg4way from limma", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- library("gg4way") p1 <- efit |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611") p1 ## ----Prepare text, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------- textTable <- p1 |> getTotals() blueText <- textTable |> dplyr::filter(countGroup == "bottomLeft") |> dplyr::pull(n) redText <- textTable |> dplyr::filter(countGroup == "sigX xDown yDown") |> dplyr::pull(n) greenText <- textTable |> dplyr::filter(countGroup == "sigY xDown yDown") |> dplyr::pull(n) ## ----limma table-------------------------------------------------------------- p1 |> getShared() |> head() ## ----labelsPlot, fig.cap="gg4way with labels", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- efit |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611", label = c("PSG5", "ERAP2")) ## ----titlesPlot, fig.cap="gg4way with custom axis titles", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- p1 + xlab(expression(atop( paste("Higher in Line 2" %<->% "Higher in Line 1"), paste("Line 1 vs 2 LogFC")))) + ylab(expression(atop( paste("Line 3 vs 2"), paste("Higher in Line 2" %<->% "Higher in Line 3")))) ## ----Correlation-------------------------------------------------------------- p1 |> getCor() ## ----edgeRplot, fig.cap="gg4way from edgeR", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- library("purrr") rfit <- dge |> calcNormFactors() |> estimateDisp() |> glmQLFit(design) rfit <- contr.matrix |> colnames() |> set_names() |> map(~ rfit |> glmQLFTest(contrast = contr.matrix[,.x])) rfit |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611") ## ----DESeq2------------------------------------------------------------------- library("DESeq2") ddsSE <- se |> DESeqDataSet(design = ~ cell + dex) keep <- ddsSE |> counts() |> apply(1, function(gene) { all(gene != 0) }) ddsSE <- ddsSE[keep, ] dds <- ddsSE |> DESeq() ## ----DESeq2plot, fig.cap="gg4way from DESeq2", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- dds |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611") ## ----DESeq2plot2, fig.cap="gg4way from DESeq2 contrast", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- list("N61311 vs N052611" = c("cell", "N61311", "N052611"), "N061011 vs N052611" = c("cell", "N061011", "N052611")) |> map(~ results(dds, contrast = .x)) |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611") ## ----DESeq2plot3, fig.cap="gg4way from DESeq2 lfcShrink", fig.width=6, fig.height=6.5, dpi=50---- list("N61311 vs N052611" = c("cell", "N61311", "N052611"), "N061011 vs N052611" = c("cell", "N061011", "N052611")) |> map(~ dds |> results(contrast = .x) |> lfcShrink(dds, contrast = .x, res = _, type = "normal")) |> gg4way(x = "N61311 vs N052611", y = "N061011 vs N052611") ## ----Session info, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()