--- title: "Beyond Sequence-based Spatially-Resolved Data" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{beyond_visium} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, message = FALSE, comment = "#>", fig.retina = NULL ) ``` Starting from Version 1.2.0, `escheR` package supports additional two data structures as input, including [`SpatialExperiment`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/SpatialExperiment.html) and `data.frame` from `base` R. In addition, `escheR` supports in-situ visualization of image-based spatially resolved data, which will be the focus of future development. # Visualized Dimensionality Reduced Embedding with `SingleCellExperiment` ## `SpatialExperiment` inherits `SingleCellExperiment` Following the same syntax, one can also visualize dimensionality reduced embeddings of a `SpatialExperiment` object by providing the argument `dimred` with a non-null value. Hence, the first 2 columns of the corresponding `reducedDim(spe)` assay will be used as the x-y coordinate of the plot, replacing `spatialCoords(spe)`. ```{r redDim_spe} library(escheR) library(STexampleData) library(scater) library(scran) spe <- Visium_humanDLPFC() |> logNormCounts() spe <- spe[, spe$in_tissue == 1] spe <- spe[, !is.na(spe$ground_truth)] top.gene <- getTopHVGs(spe, n=500) set.seed(100) # See below. spe <- runPCA(spe, subset_row = top.gene) make_escheR( spe, dimred = "PCA" ) |> add_fill(var = "ground_truth") + theme_minimal() ``` # Hex Binning ```{r bin_plot} spe$counts_MOBP <- counts(spe)[which(rowData(spe)$gene_name=="MOBP"),] spe$ground_truth <- factor(spe$ground_truth) # Point Binning version make_escheR( spe, dimred = "PCA" ) |> add_ground_bin( var = "ground_truth" ) |> add_fill_bin( var = "counts_MOBP" ) + # Customize aesthetics scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black", name = "MOBP Count")+ scale_color_discrete(name = "Spatial Domains") + theme_minimal() ``` > Note 1: The strategy of binning to avoid overplotting is previously proposed in [`schex`](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/schex.html). While we provide an implementation in `escheR`, we would caution our users that the binning strategy could lead to intermixing of cluster memberships. In our implementation, the majority membership of the data points belonging to a bin is selected as the label of the bin. Users should use the binning strategy under their own discretion, and interpret the visualization carefully. > Note 2: `add_fill_bin()` shoudl be applied after `add_ground_bin()` for the better visualization outcome. # Image-based `SpatialExperiment` Object To demonstrate the principle that `escheR` can be used to visualize image-based spatially-resolved data pending optimization, we include two image-based spatially resolved transcriptomics data generated via seqFish platform and Slide-seq V2 platform respectively. The two datasets have been previously curated in the [`STexampleData`](https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/data/experiment/vignettes/STexampleData/inst/doc/STexampleData_overview.html) package ## seqFISH ```{r im_seqFISH} library(STexampleData) library(escheR) spe_seqFISH <- seqFISH_mouseEmbryo() make_escheR(spe_seqFISH) |> add_fill(var = "embryo") ``` > NOTE: trimming down the `colData(spe)` before piping into make-escheR could reduce the computation time to make the plots, specifically when `colData(spe)` contains extremely large number of irrelavent features/columns. ## SlideSeqV2 ```{r im_slideseq} library(STexampleData) library(escheR) spe_slideseq <- SlideSeqV2_mouseHPC() make_escheR(spe_slideseq) |> add_fill(var = "celltype") ``` # Beyond Bioconductor Eco-system We aim to provide accessibility to all users regardless of their programming background and preferred single-cell analysis pipelines. Nevertheless , with limited resource, our sustaining efforts will prioritize towards the maintenance of the established functionality and the optimization for image-based spatially resolved data. We regret we are not be able to provide seamless interface to other R pipelines such as `Seurat` and `Giotto` in foreseeable future. Instead, we provide a generic function that works with a `data.frame` object as input. For example, relevant features in `Suerat` can be easily exported as a `data.frame` object manually or via `tidyseurat`[https://github.com/stemangiola/tidyseurat]. The exported data frame can be pipe into `escheR`. ```{r seurat_to_dataframe, eval = FALSE} library(escheR) library(Seurat) pbmc_small <- SeuratObject::pbmc_small pbmc_2pc <- pbmc_small@reductions$pca@cell.embeddings[,1:2] pbmc_meta <- pbmc_small@meta.data #> Call generic function for make_escheR.data.frame make_escheR( object = pbmc_meta, .x = pbmc_2pc[,1], .y = pbmc_2pc[,2]) |> add_fill(var = "groups") ``` # Session information ```{r} utils::sessionInfo() ```