--- title: "Rle Tips and Tricks" author: - name: "Patrick Aboyoun" - name: "Beryl Kanali" affiliation: "Converted 'RleTricks' vignette from Sweave to RMarkdown." date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" package: S4Vectors vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Rle Tips and Tricks} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} output: BiocStyle::html_document --- ```{r Rle-rollmean, eval=FALSE} rollmeanRle <- function (x, k) { n <- length(x) cumsum(c(Rle(sum(window(x, 1, k))), window(x, k + 1, n) - window(x, 1, n - k))) / k } ``` ```{r Rle-rollvar, eval=FALSE} rollvarRle <- function(x, k) { n <- length(x) means <- rollmeanRle(x, k) nextMean <- window(means, 2, n - k + 1) cumsum(c(Rle(sum((window(x, 1, k) - means[1])^2)), k * diff(means)^2 - (window(x, 1, n - k) - nextMean)^2 + (window(x, k + 1, n) - nextMean)^2)) / (k - 1) } ``` ```{r Rle-rollcov, eval=FALSE} rollcovRle <- function(x, y, k) { n <- length(x) meanX <- rollmeanRle(x, k) meanY <- rollmeanRle(y, k) nextMeanX <- window(meanX, 2, n - k + 1) nextMeanY <- window(meanY, 2, n - k + 1) cumsum(c(Rle(sum((window(x, 1, k) - meanX[1]) * (window(y, 1, k) - meanY[1]))), k * diff(meanX) * diff(meanY) - (window(x, 1, n - k) - nextMeanX) * (window(y, 1, n - k) - nextMeanY) + (window(x, k + 1, n) - nextMeanX) * (window(y, k + 1, n) - nextMeanY))) / (k - 1) } ``` ```{r Rle-rollsd, eval=FALSE} rollsdRle <- function(x, k) { sqrt(rollvarRle(x, k)) } ``` ```{r Rle-rollcor,eval=FALSE} rollcorRle <- function(x, y, k) { rollcovRle(x, y, k) / (rollsdRle(x, k) * rollsdRle(y, k)) } ```