title: "Implement interactive heatmap from scratch"
author: "Zuguang Gu ( z.gu@dkfz.de )"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
width: 8
fig_width: 5
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{7. Implement interactive heatmap from scratch}
In **InteractiveComplexHeatmap**, we mainly use the combination of
`InteractiveComplexHeatmapOutput()` and `makeInteractiveComplexHeatmap()` to
create the interactive heatmap widget in the Shiny application. The
interactive widgets contains many tools for manipulating heatmaps. However,
sometimes users may want to build their own interactive heatmap widget, e.g.
to define their own logic to respond to the clicking or brushing event on
heatmaps, while not use the one provided by **InteractiveComplexHeatmap**. What
they only want is the information of the heatmap cells that were selected from
**InteractiveComplexHeatmap** also provides low-level functions that directly
return the information of rows and columns that were selected from heatmap. I
demonstrate the usage in the next example where `ui` and `server` are defined as
```{r, eval = FALSE}
ui = fluidPage(
plotOutput("heatmap", click = "heatmap_click")
server = function(input, output, session) {
ht_obj = reactiveVal(NULL)
ht_pos_obj = reactiveVal(NULL)
output$heatmap = renderPlot({
ht = draw(Heatmap(mat))
ht_pos = htPositionsOnDevice(ht)
observeEvent(input$heatmap_click, {
pos = getPositionFromClick(input$heatmap_click)
df = selectPosition(ht_obj(), pos, mark = FALSE,
ht_pos = ht_pos_obj(), verbose = FALSE)
# do something with `df`
There are two points that need to be noted.
1. `draw()` and `htPositionsOnDevice()` should always be executed together and be put
inside `renderPlot()` so that positions of all heatmap slices can be correctly
2. Use `getPositionFromClick()` to retrieve the position of the click
on heatmap, then the position can be sent to `selectPosition()` to correspond to
the original matrix. Similarly, `getPositionFromBrush()` and `selectArea()` work
together to retrieve rows and columns of the matrix that correspond to the
area selected from heatmap.
The variable `df` contains row indices and column indices for the cells that
were selected (check the help page of `selectPosition()` and `selectArea()` to see
the format of `df`). With this information, it is possible to implement the
interactive heatmap widget from scratch.
`htShinyExample(5.8)` demonstrates an example where the interactivity of the heatmap is only
implemented with the functions from **shiny**. In this example, the main heatmap
visualizes a 2D density distribution, and brushing on heatmap triggers a new
2D density estimation but only on the selected subset of data. The source code
that generates this example is also includes in this web application.