## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE) ## ----warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----------------------------------------- # load required packages library(CATALYST) library(cowplot) library(flowCore) library(diffcyt) library(scater) library(SingleCellExperiment) ## ----load-data---------------------------------------------------------------- # load example data data(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md) PBMC_fs head(PBMC_panel) head(PBMC_md) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # download exemplary set of FCS files # url <- "http://imlspenticton.uzh.ch/robinson_lab/cytofWorkflow" # zip <- "PBMC8_fcs_files.zip" # download.file(paste0(url, "/", zip), destfile = zip, mode = "wb") # unzip(zip) # # # read in FCS files as flowSet # fcs <- list.files(pattern = ".fcs$") # fs <- read.flowSet(fcs, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE) ## ----prepData----------------------------------------------------------------- (sce <- prepData(PBMC_fs, PBMC_panel, PBMC_md)) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # alter panel column names # panel2 <- PBMC_panel # colnames(panel2)[1:2] <- c("channel_name", "marker") # # # alter metadata column names & add 2nd condition # md2 <- PBMC_md # colnames(md2) <- c("file", "sampleID", "cond1", "patientID") # md2$cond2 <- rep(c("A", "B"), 4) # # # construct SCE # prepData(PBMC_fs, panel2, md2, # panel_cols = list(channel = "channel_name", antigen = "marker"), # md_cols = list(file = "file", id = "sampleID", # factors = c("cond1", "cond2", "patientID"))) ## ----cluster------------------------------------------------------------------ sce <- cluster(sce, features = "type", xdim = 10, ydim = 10, maxK = 20, verbose = FALSE, seed = 1) ## ----mergeClusters------------------------------------------------------------ data(merging_table) head(merging_table) sce <- mergeClusters(sce, k = "meta20", table = merging_table, id = "merging1") head(cluster_codes(sce))[, seq_len(10)] ## ----delta-area, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 3-------------------------------- # access & render delta area plot # (equivalent to metadata(sce)$delta_area) delta_area(sce) ## ----plotCounts-1, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 3------------------------------ plotCounts(sce, group_by = "sample_id", color_by = "condition") ## ----plotCounts-2, fig.width = 4, fig.height = 3------------------------------ plotCounts(sce, prop = TRUE, group_by = "condition", color_by = "patient_id") ## ----pbMDS-1, fig.width = 5--------------------------------------------------- pbMDS(sce, shape_by = "patient_id", size_by = FALSE) ## ----pbMDS-2, fig.width = 5--------------------------------------------------- pbMDS(sce, by = "both", k = "meta12", shape_by = "condition", size_by = TRUE) ## ----clrDR-1, fig.width = 5--------------------------------------------------- clrDR(sce, by = "sample_id", k = "meta12") ## ----clrDR-2, fig.width = 6--------------------------------------------------- clrDR(sce, by = "cluster_id", arrow_col = "condition", size_by = FALSE) ## ----plotExprHeatmap-sample, fig.width = 6.5, fig.height = 3.5---------------- # scale each marker between 0 and 1 # (after aggregation & without trimming) plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = "state", scale = "last", q = 0, bars = FALSE) ## ----plotExprHeatmap-cluster, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 3.5----------------- # medians of scaled & trimmed type-marker expressions by cluster plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = "type", by = "cluster_id", k = "meta12", m = "meta8", scale = "first", q = 0.01, perc = TRUE, col_dend = FALSE) ## ----plotExprHeatmap-both, fig.width = 4, fig.height = 3.5-------------------- # raw (not scaled, not trimmed) # median expression by cluster-sample plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = "pS6", by = "both", k = "meta8", scale = "never", col_clust = FALSE, row_anno = FALSE, bars = FALSE) ## ----plotPbExprs-1, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 5---------------------------- plotPbExprs(sce, k = "meta8", facet_by = "cluster_id", ncol = 4) ## ----plotPbExprs-2, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 4---------------------------- plotPbExprs(sce, facet_by = "antigen", ncol = 7) ## ----plotPbExprs-3, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 4---------------------------- plotPbExprs(sce, k = "meta10", features = "type", group_by = "cluster_id", color_by = "sample_id", size_by = TRUE, geom = "points", jitter = FALSE, ncol = 5) ## ----plotPbExprs-4, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 4---------------------------- plotPbExprs(sce, k = "meta6", features = "state", group_by = "cluster_id", color_by = "condition", ncol = 7) ## ----plotClusterExprs, message = FALSE, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 8-------- plotClusterExprs(sce, k = "meta8", features = "type") ## ----plotAbundances-1, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 3.5------------------------ plotAbundances(sce, k = "meta12", by = "sample_id", group_by = "condition") ## ----plotAbundances-2, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 4-------------------------- plotAbundances(sce, k = "meta8", by = "cluster_id", group_by = "condition", shape_by = "patient_id") ## ----plotFreqHeatmap-complete, fig.width = 6.5, fig.height = 4.5-------------- # complete example plotFreqHeatmap(sce, k = "meta8", m = "meta5", hm_pal = rev(hcl.colors(10, "RdBu")), k_pal = hcl.colors(7, "Zissou 1"), m_pal = hcl.colors(4, "Temps"), bars = TRUE, perc = TRUE) ## ----plotFreqHeatmap-minimal, fig.width = 3.5, fig.height = 4----------------- # minimal example plotFreqHeatmap(sce, k = "meta10", normalize = FALSE, bars = FALSE, row_anno = FALSE, col_anno = FALSE, row_clust = FALSE, col_clust = FALSE, hm_pal = c("grey95", "black")) ## ----plotMultiHeatmap-1, fig.width = 7.5, fig.height = 4---------------------- # both, median type- & state-marker expressions plotMultiHeatmap(sce, hm1 = "type", hm2 = "state", k = "meta12", m = "meta8", col_dend = c(FALSE, TRUE)) ## ----plotMultiHeatmap-2, fig.width = 7.5, fig.height = 3---------------------- # 1st: CDx markers by cluster; # 2nd: population frequencies by sample cdx <- grep("CD", rownames(sce), value = TRUE) plotMultiHeatmap(sce, k = "meta6", hm1 = cdx, hm2 = "abundances", bars = TRUE, perc = TRUE, row_anno = FALSE) ## ----plotMultiHeatmap-3, fig.width = 9, fig.height = 4------------------------ # plot selected markers side-by-side; # omit left-hand side heatmap plotMultiHeatmap(sce, k = "meta8", scale = "never", hm1 = FALSE, hm2 = c("pS6", "pp38", "pBtk"), row_anno = FALSE, col_clust = FALSE, hm2_pal = c("grey95", "black")) ## ----runDR-------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(1601) sce <- runDR(sce, dr = "UMAP", cells = 500, features = "type") ## ----runUMAP-scater, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------- # sce <- runUMAP(sce, exprs_values = "exprs") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # view & access DRs reducedDimNames(sce) head(reducedDim(sce, "UMAP")) ## ----plotDR-1, fig.height = 5------------------------------------------------- # color by marker expression & split by condition plotDR(sce, color_by = c("pS6", "pNFkB"), facet_by = "condition") ## ----plotDR-2, fig.height = 5------------------------------------------------- # color by 8 metaclusters & split by sample ID p <- plotDR(sce, color_by = "meta8", facet_by = "sample_id") p$facet$params$ncol <- 4; p ## ----filterSCE, fig.height = 3------------------------------------------------ u <- filterSCE(sce, patient_id == "Patient1") table(u$sample_id) u <- filterSCE(sce, k = "meta8", cluster_id %in% c(1, 3, 8)) plot_grid( plotDR(sce, color_by = "meta8"), plotDR(u, color_by = "meta8")) ## ----diffcyt, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, fig.show = "hide"------------- # create design & contrast matrix design <- createDesignMatrix(ei(sce), cols_design = "condition") contrast <- createContrast(c(0, 1)) # test for # - differential abundance (DA) of clusters # - differential states (DS) within clusters res_DA <- diffcyt(sce, clustering_to_use = "meta10", analysis_type = "DA", method_DA = "diffcyt-DA-edgeR", design = design, contrast = contrast, verbose = FALSE) res_DS <- diffcyt(sce, clustering_to_use = "meta10", analysis_type = "DS", method_DS = "diffcyt-DS-limma", design = design, contrast = contrast, verbose = FALSE) # extract result tables tbl_DA <- rowData(res_DA$res) tbl_DS <- rowData(res_DS$res) ## ----plotDiffHeatmap-da, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 4------------------------ plotDiffHeatmap(sce, tbl_DA, all = TRUE, fdr = 0.05) ## ----plotDiffHeatmap-ds, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 4------------------------ plotDiffHeatmap(sce, tbl_DS, fdr = 0.05, sort_by = "lfc", col_anno = "condition") ## ----plotDiffHeatmap-filter-1, fig.width = 4.5, fig.height = 3.25------------- # include all results for selected marker plotDiffHeatmap(sce["pp38", ], tbl_DS, all = TRUE, col_anno = FALSE) ## ----plotDiffHeatmap-filter-2, fig.width = 5, fig.height = 4.25--------------- # include all results for selected cluster k <- metadata(res_DS$res)$clustering_name sub <- filterSCE(sce, cluster_id == 8, k = k) plotDiffHeatmap(sub, tbl_DS, all = TRUE, normalize = FALSE) ## ----plotDiffHeatmap-pals, fig.width = 4, fig.height = 3.5-------------------- plotDiffHeatmap(sce, tbl_DA, all = TRUE, col_anno = FALSE, hm_pal = c("gold", "white", "navy"), fdr_pal = c("grey90", "grey50"), lfc_pal = c("red3", "grey90", "green3")) ## ----sce2fcs-split, message = FALSE------------------------------------------- # store final clustering in cell metadata sce$mm <- cluster_ids(sce, "merging1") # convert to 'flowSet' with one frame per cluster (fs <- sce2fcs(sce, split_by = "mm")) # split check: number of cells per barcode ID # equals number of cells in each 'flowFrame' all(c(fsApply(fs, nrow)) == table(sce$mm)) # store identifiers (= cluster names) (ids <- c(fsApply(fs, identifier))) ## ----sce2fcs-write, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # for (id in ids) { # # subset 'flowFrame' for cluster 'id' # ff <- fs[[id]] # # specify output name that includes ID # fn <- sprintf("manuel_merging_%s.fcs", id) # # construct output path # fn <- file.path("...", fn) # # write frame to FCS # write.FCS(ff, fn) # } ## ----other-clusterings, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE---------------------- # subset type-marker expression matrix es <- assay(sce, "exprs") es <- es[type_markers(sce), ] # run clustering method X # (here, we just split the cells into # equal chunks according to CD33 expression) cs <- split(seq_len(ncol(sce)), cut(es["CD33", ], nk <- 10)) kids <- lapply(seq_len(nk), function(i) { rep(i, length(cs[[i]])) }) kids <- factor(unlist(kids)) # store cluster IDs in cell metadata & codes in metadata foo <- sce foo$cluster_id[unlist(cs)] <- unlist(kids) metadata(foo)$cluster_codes <- data.frame( custom = factor(levels(kids), levels = levels(kids))) # tabulate cluster assignments table(cluster_ids(foo, "custom")) ## ----plotPbExprs-custom, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 2------------------------ p <- plotPbExprs(sce, k = "meta4", facet_by = "cluster_id") # facetting layout is 2x2; plot all side-by-side instead p$facet$params$nrow <- 1 # remove points p$layers <- p$layers[-1] # overwrite default colors p <- p + scale_color_manual(values = c("royalblue", "orange")) # remove x-axis title, change angle & decrease size of labels (p + labs(x = NULL) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, size = 8, vjust = 0.5))) ## ----plotMultiHeatmap-custom, fig.width = 6, fig.height = 3------------------- plotMultiHeatmap(sce, k = "meta8", m = "meta4", hm2 = "abundances", # include all dendrograms row_dend = TRUE, col_dend = TRUE, # exclude sample annotations col_anno = FALSE, # primary & merging cluster palettes k_pal = hcl.colors(8, "Vik"), m_pal = hcl.colors(4, "Tropic"), # 1st & 2nd heatmap coloring hm1_pal = c("grey95", "blue"), hm2_pal = c("grey95", "red3")) ## ----plotExprHeatmap-minimal, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 3------------------- # minimal heatmap plotExprHeatmap(sce, row_anno = FALSE, # don't annotate samples row_clust = FALSE, # keep samples in original order col_clust = FALSE, # keep markers in original order bin_anno = FALSE, # don't annotate bins bars = FALSE, # don't include sample sizes scale = "last", # aggregate, then scale hm_pal = hcl.colors(10, "YlGnBu", rev = TRUE)) ## ----plotExprHeatmap-complete, fig.width = 12, fig.height = 4----------------- # complete heatmap plotExprHeatmap(sce, row_anno = TRUE, # annotate samples row_clust = TRUE, col_clust = TRUE, # cluster samples/markers row_dend = TRUE, col_dend = TRUE, # include dendrograms bin_anno = TRUE, # annotate bins with value bars = TRUE, perc = TRUE, # include barplot of sample sizes hm_pal = c("grey95", "orange")) ## ----combine-heatmaps-1, fig.width = 14, fig.height = 4.8--------------------- # specify clustering to aggregate by k <- "meta11" # median type-marker expression by cluster p1 <- plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = "type", by = "cluster_id", k = k, m = "meta7") # median state-marker expression by cluster p2 <- plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = "state", by = "cluster_id", k = k, row_anno = FALSE) # relative cluster abundances by sample p3 <- plotFreqHeatmap(sce, k = k, perc = TRUE, row_anno = FALSE, col_clust = FALSE) # make legend titles unique p1@name <- p1@matrix_color_mapping@name <- "type" p2@name <- p2@matrix_color_mapping@name <- "state" p1 + p2 + p3 ## ----combine-heatmaps-2, fig.width = 14, fig.height = 4----------------------- # specify clustering to aggregate by k <- "meta9" # relative cluster abundances by sample p <- plotFreqHeatmap(sce, k = k, bars = FALSE, hm_pal = c("white", "black"), row_anno = FALSE, col_clust = FALSE, col_anno = FALSE) # specify unique coloring cs <- c(pp38 = "maroon", pBtk = "green4") # median expression of selected markers by cluster-sample for (f in names(cs)) { q <- plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = f, by = "both", k = k, scale = "never", row_anno = FALSE, col_clust = FALSE, hm_pal = c("white", cs[f])) # make identifier & legend title unique q@name <- q@matrix_color_mapping@name <- f # remove column annotation names for (i in seq_along(q@top_annotation@anno_list)) q@top_annotation@anno_list[[i]]@name_param$show <- FALSE # remove redundant sample names q@column_names_param$show <- FALSE p <- p + q } # add heatmap of median expression across all features p + plotExprHeatmap(sce, features = NULL, by = "cluster_id", k = k, row_anno = FALSE) ## ----session-info------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()