Changes in version 3.0.0 - Empty outputs now return data.tables with the corresponding column names with 0 rows instead of defaulting to lists of length 0 - Column names for the outputs of many functions have changed in this release to be more standardized. Please refer to the function documentation. As a general rule names use camelCase separated by .s to indicate properties of a specific entity (eg. experiment.sampleCount) with the exception of acronyms which are always capitalized (experiment.ID) - update_results function added which allows re-creation of outputs of gemma.R functions without relying on the original code. - get_result_sets function added which allows accessing result sets directly, filtering them based on certain filterable properties (see filter_properties()$resultSet). - gemma_memoise function added which allows setting memoisation options without manually setting options - get_child_terms function added which returns child terms of an ontology term as inferred by Gemma - gemma_kable is added which returns tables formatted to fit Changes in version 2.0.0 - Breaking change to get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses function in order to return annotations for contrasts with multiple characteristics. Changes in version 0.99.44 - Fixes and changes for Bioconductor 3.16 release Changes in version 0.99.0 - Submitted to Bioconductor.