Changes in version 1.16.0 o Add num.threads= to all neighbor-based methods, to be passed to BiocNeighbors. o Parallelize the SNN graph construction in makeSNNGraph(). Changes in version 1.10.0 o Corrected calculation of the ratio matrix in pairwiseRand() when adjusted=TRUE, so that ratios have an upper bound of 1. Changes in version 1.2.0 o Previously zero-weight edges are now assigned a nominal positive weight in makeSNNGraph(). o Added MbkmeansParam() to wrap mini-batch k-means from mbkmeans. o Added SOMParam() to wrap self-organizing map implementation from kohonen. o Added AffinityParam() to wrap the affinity propagation code from apcluster. o Added DbscanParam() to provide a custom DBSCAN implementation with automatic eps choice. o Added PamParam() to wrap the PAM implementation from cluster. o Added ClaraParam() to wrap the CLARA implementation from cluster. o Added AgnesParam() to wrap the agglomerative nesting method from cluster. o Added DianaParam() to wrap the divisive analysis method from cluster. o Added clusterSweep() to easily perform parameter sweeps via clusterRows(). o Added linkClusters() to find relationships between clusters in different clusterings. o Added compareClusterings() to compute similarities between multiple clusterings. o Added nestedClusters() to quantify the degree of nesting across two clusterings. o Moved objects into objects$kmeans for KmeansParam() when full=TRUE. o Moved objects into objects$hclust for HclustParam() when full=TRUE. o Added clusterRMSD() to compute the root-mean-squared-deviation for each cluster. Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package bluster for modular clustering in Bioconductor packages.