Changes in version 1.18.0 o Switch to the latest Miniforge installer (24.3.0-0) by default. This is preconfigured to use the conda-forge channel and avoids issues with the non-FOSS licensing of the Anaconda repositories. Users can switch back to the old Miniconda installer by setting the BASILISK_USE_MINIFORGE=0 environment variable, but this will likely be deprecated in the next release. o Channel specifications in the user's .condarc are now ignored. Only the channels by the developer in setupBasiliskEnv() (e.g., via BasiliskEnvironment) will be respected, to improve the consistency of the constructed environments across devices. Changes in version 1.4.0 o Support installation from Python package directories on the file system. o Clean Conda package directories during a system installation to reduce disk usage. Changes in version 1.2.0 o Added support for different Conda channels in the BasiliskEnvironment() constructor. o Added locking to setupBasiliskEnv() for safe parallel construction of environments. o Ensure that environments are always activated before use in useBasiliskEnv(). Changes in version 1.0.0 o New package basilisk, for integration of Python in Bioconductor packages.