CHANGES IN VERSION 1.12.0 ------------------------- o update according to DelayedArray (>= v0.29.0) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.10.0 ------------------------- o update for DelayedArray (>= v0.27.2) CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.4 ------------------------- o `rowMeans()`, `rowSums()`, `colMeans()`, `colSums()` with row or column names o override S4 functions rowDiffs(), colDiffs(), rowSdDiffs(), colSdDiffs(), rowVarDiffs(), colVarDiffs(), rowLogSumExps(), colLogSumExps() CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.3 ------------------------- o progress bar in `scHDF2GDS()` o update `%*%` with SC_GDSMatrix o update `rbind()` and `cbind()` with SC_GDSMatrix o `runPCA()` on SC_GDSMatrix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.8.0 ------------------------- o new functions `scNumSplit()`, `scRowAutoGrid()`, `scColAutoGrid()` o update the vignettes o override S4 functions colsum(), rowsum(), scale(), pmin2(), pmax2() for SC_GDSMatrix o new S4 generic functions `row_nnzero()`, `col_nnzero()`, `scGetFiles()`, `scMemory()`, `scRowMeanVar()`, `scColMeanVar()` o new functions `scSetMax()`, `scSetMin()`, `scSetBounds()`, `scReplaceNA()` o update S4 functions `[`, `[[`, `names<-`, `dimnames<-`, aperm, Ops, Math, crossprod(), tcrossprod() for SC_GDSArray o override S4 functions rowSums(), colSums(), rowSums2(), colSums2(), rowProds(), colProds(), rowMeans(), colMeans(), rowMeans2(), colMeans2(), rowVars(), colVars(), rowSds(), colSds(), rowMins(), colMins(), rowMaxs(), colMaxs(), rowRanges(), colRanges(), rowAnyNAs(), colAnyNAs(), rowCollapse(), colCollapse() for SC_GDSMatrix CHANGES IN VERSION 1.4.0 ------------------------- o new functions `scMEX2GDS()` and `scHDF2GDS()` CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.1 ------------------------- o new Overview.Rmd in the vignettes CHANGES IN VERSION 1.0.0 ------------------------- o initial version of SCArray