Changes in version 0.99.0 - Kinship2 is renamed to Pedixplorer and hosted on Bioconductor. - Pedigree is now a S4 object, all functions are updated to work with the new class - Pedigree constructor now takes a data.frame as input for the Pedigree informations and for the special relationship. The two data.fram are normalized before being used. - plot.pedigree support ggplot generation, mark and label can be added to the plot. The plot is now generated in two steps ped_to_plotdf() and plot_fromdf(). This allows the user to modify the plot before it is generated. - All documentation are now generated with Roxygen - New function available: generate_aff_inds, generate_colors, is_informative, min_dist_inf, normData, num_child, useful_inds - All functions renamed to follow the snake_case convention - All parameters renamed to follow the snake_case convention - All test now use testthat files - Vignettes have been updated to reflect the new changes