Changes in version 1.3.1 o Included PLSDA algorithm. o WiP requires adjustment of vignette and tests, should work though. Changes in version 0.99.13 o Adjusted SVD code to more straightforward implementation. o Fixed variable ordering for LM-variance calculations. Changes in version 0.99.12 o Reduced size of data-sets in testing procedures to stop unit-test timeouts. o Added examples to data objects and reporting functions. Changes in version 0.99.11 o Cleaned repository. o GitHub Readme includes Installation instructions and brief workflow tutorial. Changes in version 0.99.10 o Added BiocViews: ReportWriting, Visualization, Normalization and QualityControl. o Inlcuded 'importFrom' for all ggplot2 functionality. o Required packages now live in Imports section. o Switched to 'aes_string' to remove visible binding NOTEs in plot functions. o Included local variables to shut up the remaining NOTEs. o Moved 'match.arg' choices to function heads. o Moved code for generation of mock-up dummy-data from data-raw into the data.R file. o Added testing for dummy data. o Fixed highlighting in vignette. o Fixed gray-area issue in box-plots. Changes in version 0.99.8 o Included NEWS file. o Added Bioconductor installation instructions in vignette. o Added package man-page. o Set lazyData to false. o Added URL and BugReports fields to Description. o Remove bapred and permute packages from suggest because they are no longer required. o Also removed pals package, but included reference because I use the tableau color-scheme. o All packages that are required for execution are now 'Depends' instead of 'Suggests'. o Revised vignette content, formatting and spelling for more convenient user experience. o Fixed test for percentile normalization to actually test PN-function. o Prelim report now checks if clr/tss transformed values are present prior to calculating them. o Report-names/directories can now be changed from default by user. o Reporting functions included in testing. o Formatted code to adhere to 4-space indentation and 80 characters width requirements. For the most part. o Included code for generation of dummy-data.