Changes in version 1.27 o Remove colAnyMissings() and rowAnyMissings(), which were deprecated in Version 1.23 and made defunct in Version 1.25. Changes in version 1.25 o colAnyMissings() and rowAnyMissings() are defunct in favour of the long-recommended colAnyNAs() and rowAnyNAs(). These defunct functions will be removed in the next release cycle. o Scalar center argument for matrix functions are now defunct following similar change in matrixStats (). Changes in version 1.23 o colAnyMissings() and rowAnyMissings() are deprecated in favour of the long-recommended colAnyNAs() and rowAnyNAs(). These deprecated functions will be made defunct in the next release cycle. Changes in version 1.14.0 o Fix for missing na.rm= argument in *AvgsPer*Set functions. o DelayedMatrixStats no longer has a hard requirement on HDF5Array or BiocParallel. o Correct handling of drop= by quantile functions (). o Fix 2 issues with how the center argument is handled (). Changes in version 1.12.0 o Dispatch to sparseMatrixStats for sparse seeds that do not have their own methods (). o Fix center= handling for all affected functions (). o DelayedMatrixStats now imports the generics from MatrixGenerics. Thanks to Aaron Lun resolving this (). Changes in version 1.5.1 o Move rowsum() and colsum() to DelayedArray package (). Changes in version 1.3.9 o Fix bug in rowsum() reported by @MalteThodberg (). Changes in version 1.3.6 o Add rowsum() (based on base::rowsum()) and colsum() (not found in base R or matrixStats). Changes in version 1.1.9 o Sync API with matrixStats v0.53.1. • Add explicit arguments to col-/rowSds(). • Fix dimnames for col-/rowQuantiles(). o Sync documentation with matrixStats v0.53.1. Changes in version 1.1.7 o Add colWeightedSds(), colWeightedVars(), rowWeightedSds(), and rowWeightedVars(). Changes in version 1.1.6 o Add colAvgsPerRowSet(). Changes in version 1.1.5 o Defunct argument centers for colMads()/rowMads() as of matrixStats v0.53.0. o Sync documentation with matrixStats v0.53.0. Changes in version 0.99.2 o Fix typos in vignette. o Allow vignette code chunks to error if they use functions from profmem (these only work if R was configured with support for memory-profiling, which isn't enabled on Bioconductor's malbec1 Linux machine). o Update API table in README and vignette. Changes in version 0.99.1 o Develop against the current CRAN release of matrixStats instead of devel version. o Remove colAvgsPerRowSet() until next CRAN release of matrixStats (). Changes in version 0.99.0 o Initial submission to Bioconductor.