## ---- echo=FALSE, results="hide", message=FALSE---------------------------- require(knitr) opts_chunk$set(error=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE) ## ----setup, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE-------------------------------------- library(batchelor) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B1 <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=50) # Batch 1 B2 <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=50) # Batch 2 # Switching easily between batch correction methods. m.out <- batchCorrect(B1, B2, PARAM=ClassicMnnParam()) f.out <- batchCorrect(B1, B2, PARAM=FastMnnParam(d=20)) r.out <- batchCorrect(B1, B2, PARAM=RescaleParam(pseudo.count=0)) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- noCorrect <- function(...) # Takes a set of batches and returns them without modification. { do.call(cbind, list(...)) } ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NothingParam <- setClass("NothingParam", contains="BatchelorParam") ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- nothing <- NothingParam() nothing nothing$some_value <- 1 nothing ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- batchCorrect ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- setMethod("batchCorrect", "NothingParam", function(..., batch = NULL, restrict=NULL, subset.row = NULL, correct.all = FALSE, assay.type = "logcounts", get.spikes = FALSE, PARAM) { batches <- list(...) checkBatchConsistency(batches) # Pulling out information from the SCE objects. is.sce <- checkIfSCE(batches) if (any(is.sce)) { sce.batches <- batches[is.sce] checkSpikeConsistency(sce.batches) subset.row <- batchelor:::.SCE_subset_genes(subset.row, sce.batches[[1]], get.spikes) batches[is.sce] <- lapply(sce.batches, assay, i=assay.type) } # Subsetting by 'batch', if only one object is supplied. do.split <- length(batches)==1L if (do.split) { divided <- divideIntoBatches(batches[[1]], batch=batch, restrict=restrict) batches <- divided$batches restrict <- divided$restricted } # Subsetting by row. # This is a per-gene "method", so correct.all=TRUE will ignore subset.row. # More complex methods will need to handle this differently. if (correct.all) { subset.row <- NULL } else if (!is.null(subset.row)) { subset.row <- normalizeSingleBracketSubscript(originals[[1]], subset.row) batches <- lapply(batches, "[", i=subset.row, , drop=FALSE) } # Don't really need to consider restrict!=NULL here, as this function # doesn't do anything with the cells anyway. output <- do.call(noCorrect, batches) # Reordering the output for correctness if it was previously split. if (do.split) { d.reo <- divided$reorder output <- output[,d.reo,drop=FALSE] } ncells.per.batch <- vapply(batches, FUN=ncol, FUN.VALUE=0L) batch.names <- names(batches) if (is.null(batch.names)) { batch.names <- seq_along(batches) } SingleCellExperiment(list(corrected=output), colData=DataFrame(batch=rep(batch.names, ncells.per.batch))) }) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- n.out <- batchCorrect(B1, B2, PARAM=NothingParam()) n.out ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()