The example data in the package comes from a pre-clinical evaluation study of an active compound in microarray setting. The dose-response microarray data contains 1000 genes and 6 doses (0 (control), 0.01, 0.04, 0.16, 0.63, 2.5 mg/kg) with 4-5 arrays at each dose level.

The data set, which has 1000 features and 26 samples, is placed in a workspace called "dopamine2.RDA" . The data is provided inside  folder exampleData of the IsoGeneGUI package (will be automatically opened when we choose  " File >  open dataset > R  workspace "  in the package).

The  "dopamine2" workspace contains two objects: "dose" and "dopamine". The object "dopamine" contains  gene expression matrix and the object "dose" provides the dose levels.


Example Data: Dopamine Study
