CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Added ability to upload CIRI2 and circExplorer2 output o New analysis features: PCA plot, heatmap analysis, distribution analysis BUG FIXES o Amended TwoSzabo dataset o Amended workflow to minimise system crashes Version 1.0.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Added a stand alone function to generate fastq files from chimeric output. This is a stand alone feature (i.e. not from within Ularcirc shiny app) which is run from R command prompt. o Ularcirc now compatible with STAR 2.6 chimeric output. o Added new metric called "FSJ support", which can be used to filter out false positives from low count (ie. < 10) BSJ data. Can also be applied to entire data set. This should not be used for RNase R treated data sets. o Added Ularcirc shiny app button to generate PCA plot once groups are defined. o Can now read in geneReads count matrix generated by STAR aligner. o Added download buttons for displayed tabled under "Gene_view" tab BUG FIXES o Improved methodology in calculating RAD score. o Fixed error when merging BSJ counts from unstranded RNA-Seq data. o Fixed TwoSzabo data set which was previously corrupted. Added ReadsPerGene. o Changed various text on various buttons and menu screens Removed - filter based on count number - side bar check menu boxes of unimplemented or redunant functions. Version 1.0.0 ------------------------ o Bioconductor release. Version 0.99.0 ------------------------ o Pre-Bioconductor submission.