Changes in version 1.9.26 (2019-04-24) Bug Fixes o In the compute.pigengene function, if a module has only one gene, its name is now not omitted in the csv file. Changes in version 1.9.24 (2019-04-24) Changes in existing functions o An object of pigengene-class can now have a heavyToLow attribute. Changes in version 1.9.20 (2019-04-12) Changes in existing functions o In the compute.pigengene function, the columns of Data and names of modules can now differ. Changes in version 1.9.14 (2019-02-12) Changes in existing functions o The dOrderByW argument is now added for the compute.pigengene function. Changes in version 1.9.8 (2018-11-22) Changes in existing functions o All of the function can now be set from one.step.pigengene through bnArgs. Changes in version 1.9.4 (2018-11-16) Changes in existing functions o gene.mapping can now output multiple conventions. Changes in version 1.7.2 (2018-05-22) General o The version of the package C50 is now required to be at least 0.1.2, which exports the function. Changes in version 1.5.22 (2018-04-28) Bug Fixes o stats::cor is used in compute.pigengene and draw.cor functions. See the NAMESPACE for the important reason. Changes in version 1.5.9 (2018-03-12) General o cor is imported from WGCNA, but not from stats, because WGCNA does not call the cor function properly. Changes in existing functions o RsquaredCut is added to the arguments of the one.step.pigengene function. Changes in version 1.5.6 (2018-01-19) Changes in existing functions o In the get.fitted.leaf function, the function is used, which used to be exported in the previous versions of C50, but not in version 0.1.1. Changes in version 1.5.2 (2017-11-10) New functions o The check.nas function is now exported. Changes in version 1.3.8 (2017-09-13) Changes in existing functions o Order of conditions in pheatmap.type can now be determined by the user. Changes in version 1.3.6 (2017-08-20) Changes in existing functions o A bug in gene.mapping () function fixed to better map probe IDs. Changes in version 1.3.4 (2017-07-31) Changes in existing functions o The doTranspose argument added to the heatmap.type() function. Changes in version 1.1.14 (2017-05-10) Changes in existing functions o A bug in the module.heatmap() function fixed. Changes in version 1.1.12 (2017-04-15) Changes in existing functions o The mouseHomologFilter argument is added to the unexported furntion hu.mouse() with a default value of "with_mmusculus_homolog". This is now compatible with biomaRt_2.30.0, it used to be "with_homolog_mmus" in older versions of biomaRt. Changes in version 1.1.10 (2017-03-30) Changes in existing functions o Checking the pigengene input of module.heatmap(). o Issues in the balance() function (not exported) where Labels is a factor are resolved. Also, if all sampls have the same size, oversampling is automatically turned off. o If Labels is a factor, it is now converted to a character vector in check. pigengene.input(). Changes in version 1.1.6 (2017-03-27) Changes in existing functions o The module.heatmap() function now has the doAddEigengene and scalePngs arguments. o The compute.pigengene() function now reports also the size of modules in the pigengene_pvalue.csv output file. Changes in version 0.99.25 (2016-10-02) Changes in existing functions o The compute.pigengene() function now uses welch.pvalue() instead of pvalues.manov(). Changes in version 0.99.8 (2016-05-18) General o Under review by Bioconductor. o Created.