Changes in version 0.99.10 - Accepted into Bioconductor New Features - Added new vignettes for Tidyverse Patters and Method Wrappers Modifications - fn_arg_seq() now has a .strict argument to check if arguments supplied are actually used in the function. Default is FALSE, previously this check is always done, but it failed for functions that use methods dispatch. - pipeline_collapse() now has a argument for if the name of the dataset should be kept in the pipeline string. Useful if only one dataset is used. - arrow_sep() now uses ascii glyphs (only left and right available) instead of unicode. Unicode arrows fail when ggplots in rmarkdown is compiled into PDF, a common enough use-case for this to be concerning. Changes in version 0.0.7 Modifications - purrr version number requirement set to (>= 0.3.0) because of argument name change in partial() - Documentation reorganised to clean up package documentation index. - Added landing page for ?CellBench Changes in version 0.0.6 New Features - Added propagation for errors - Added task_error class for errors - Added print method for task_error objects Changes in version 0.0.5 New Features - Added "Timing" vignette to explain time_methods - Changed apply_methods() to continue on errors and return error object in result column Changes in version 0.0.4 Breaking Changes - Changed .name arguments in time_methods() and apply_methods() to name New Features - Added time_methods function - Added set_cellbench_bpparam for more advanced parallelism options Changes in version 0.0.3 New Features - Implemented parallel application of methods to benchmark_tbl, previously only worked for dataset lists - Added fn_list constructor - Added data_list constructor Changes in version 0.0.2 Bug Fixes - Fixed bug in apply_methods() causing it to fail when more than 1 thread is used Modifications - Updated introduction vignette to describe multithreading and function caching Changes in version 0.0.1 - Minimal functioning package created - Compliant with BiocCheck::BiocCheck() and goodpractice::goodpractice()