## ----environment, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("topdownr")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("BiocStyle")) ## ----citation, echo=FALSE, results="asis"---------------------------------- ct <- format(citation("topdownr"), "textVersion") cat(gsub("DOI: *(.*)$", "DOI: [\\1](https://doi.org/\\1)", ct), "\n") ## ----writeMethodXml, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # library("topdownr") # # ## MS1 parameters (you could also use and modify # ## the output of `defaultMs1Settings()`) # parMS1 <- list( # FirstMass = 400, # LastMass = 1600, # Microscans = 10 # ) # # ## MS2 parameters (you could also use and modify # ## the output of `defaultMs2Settings()`) # parMS2 <- list( # OrbitrapResolution = "R120K", # IsolationWindow = 1, # MaxITTimeInMS = 200, # ETDSupplementalActivation = c("ETciD", "EThcD"), # ActivationType = "ETD", # Microscans = 40, # ETDSupplementalActivationEnergy = seq (0, 35, 7), # ETDReactionTime = c (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 30, 50), # ETDReagentTarget = c(1e6, 5e6, 1e7), # AgcTarget = c(1e5, 5e5, 1e6) # ) # # ## Create the XML files for mz == 707 # writeMethodXmls(ms1Settings = parMS1, # ms2Settings = parMS2, # replications = 1, # groupBy = "ETDReagentTarget", # mz = cbind(mass=707.3, z=1), # massLabeling = TRUE, # nMs2perMs1 = 1000, # duration = 0.5, # randomise = FALSE, # pattern = "method707_%s.xml") # # ## Create the XML files for mz == 893 # writeMethodXmls(ms1Settings = parMS1, # ms2Settings = parMS2, # replications = 1, # groupBy = "ETDReagentTarget", # mz = cbind(mass=893.1, z=1), # massLabeling = TRUE, # nMs2perMs1 = 1000, # duration = 0.5, # randomise = FALSE, # pattern = "method893_%s.xml") # # ## Create the XML files for mz == 1211 # writeMethodXmls(ms1Settings = parMS1, # ms2Settings = parMS2, # replications = 1, # groupBy = "ETDReagentTarget", # mz = cbind(mass=1211.7, z=1), # massLabeling = TRUE, # nMs2perMs1 = 1000, # duration = 0.5, # randomise = FALSE, # pattern = "method1211_%s.xml") # # ## Run XMLMethodChanger # runXmlMethodChanger( # modificationXml=list.files(pattern="^method.*\\.xml$"), # templateMeth="TMS2IndependentTemplateForTD.meth", # executable="path\\to\\XmlMethodChanger.exe" # ) ## ----ScanHeadsman, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # runScanHeadsman( # path="path\\to\\raw-files", # executable="path\\to\\ScanHeadsman.exe" # ) ## ----sessioninfo----------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()