## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60),tidy=TRUE) ## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # # bash # aria2c -x 8 -s 8 https://goo.gl/3TigFI # gzip -d *.gz ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=FALSE------------------------ # sl <- new("Slinky") # download(sl, type = "expression", level="3") ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=FALSE------------------------ # download(sl, type = "info") ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=FALSE------------------------ # library(slinky) # # #update following lines with your details: # key <- "YOUR_API_KEY" # gctx <- "/path/to/GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_Level3_INF_mlr12k_n1319138x12328.gctx" # info <- "/path/to/GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz" # sl <- Slinky(key, gctx, info) # ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=TRUE------------------------- library(slinky) user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET("https://api.clue.io/temp_api_key"), as = "parsed")$user_key sl <- Slinky(user_key, system.file("extdata", "demo.gctx", package = "slinky"), system.file("extdata", "demo_inst_info.txt", package = "slinky")) ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=TRUE------------------------- col.ix <- which(metadata(sl)$pert_iname == "amoxicillin" & metadata(sl)$cell_id == "MCF7") data <- readGCTX(sl[,col.ix]) ## This would be slower: #data <- readGCTX(sl)[,col.ix] ## ---- echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------- amox_gold <- clueInstances(sl, where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin", "cell_id" = "MCF7", "is_gold" = TRUE), poscon = "omit") ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=TRUE------------------------- ix <- which(colnames(sl) %in% amox_gold) amox_gold_data <- readGCTX(sl[ ,ix]) ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=F, eval=TRUE------------------------- amox_gold_sumex <- as(sl[ ,ix], "SummarizedExperiment") ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=T, eval=TRUE------------------------- amox_gold_sumex <- loadL1K(sl, where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin", "cell_id" = "MCF7", "is_gold" = TRUE)) ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=T, eval=TRUE------------------------- amox_gold_sumex <- loadL1K(sl, where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin", "cell_id" = "MCF7", "is_gold" = TRUE), inferred = FALSE) # equivalent to amox_gold_sumex <- loadL1K(sl[1:978, ], where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin", "cell_id" = "MCF7", "is_gold" = TRUE), inferred = FALSE) # equivalent to amox_gold_sumex <- loadL1K(sl[1:978, ], where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin", "cell_id" = "MCF7", "is_gold" = TRUE), inferred = FALSE) amox_gold_sumex <- amox_gold_sumex[1:978, ] ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=F, warning=T, eval=TRUE------------------------- rownames(sl)[1:5] colnames(sl)[1:5] # note subsetting first will be faster as it avoids loading in the entire # set of names from the gctx file: rownames(sl[1:5, ]) colnames(sl[, 1:5]) # sanity check all.equal(as.character(colnames(sl)), as.character(metadata(sl)$distil_id)) ## ---- echo=TRUE, message=T, warning=F, eval=FALSE------------------------ # # fda <- clue(sl, "rep_drugs", # where_clause = list("status_source" = list(like = "FDA Orange"), # "final_status" = "Launched", # "animal_only" = "0", # "in_cmap" = TRUE), # verbose = FALSE) # # fda_pert <- clueInstances(sl, poscon = "omit", # where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp", # "is_gold" = TRUE, # "pert_iname" = # list("inq" = fda$pert_iname)), # verbose = FALSE) # # ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # fda_gold_sumex <- loadL1K(sl, ids = fda_pert)) ## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- veh <- clueVehicle(sl, amox_gold, verbose=FALSE) ## ----eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # ix <- which(metadata(sl)$pert_iname %in% veh$pert_vehicle) # amox_and_control <- loadL1K(sl, # ids = c(amox_gold, metadata(sl[, ix])$inst_id)) ## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- ids.ctrl <- controls(sl, ids = amox_gold)$distil_id amox_and_control <- loadL1K(sl, ids = c(amox_gold, ids.ctrl)) ## ----eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------------- amox_and_control <- loadL1K(sl, ids = amox_gold, controls = TRUE) ## ----eval=TRUE, message = FALSE------------------------------------------ cd_vector <- diffexp(sl, treat = "amoxicillin", split_by_plate = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) head(cd_vector) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ cd_vecs <- diffexp(sl, treat = "E2F3", where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_sh", "cell_id" = "MCF7"), split_by_plate = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) cd_vecs[1:5,1:3] ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # negate the values so 1 = the most up regulated gene # (rank sorts in ASCENDING order, which is not what we want) ranks <- apply(-cd_vecs, 2, rank) n <- nrow(ranks) rp <- apply(ranks, 1, function(x) { (prod(x/n))}) ## ---- eval=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------------------------ # suppressMessages(library(org.Hs.eg.db)) # entrez_ids <- names(sort(rp, decreasing=FALSE))[1:5] # entrez_ids <- entrez_ids[which(entrez_ids %in% ls(org.Hs.egSYMBOL))] # as.vector(unlist(mget(entrez_ids, org.Hs.egSYMBOL))) ## ---- fig.width=6-------------------------------------------------------- suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(Rtsne)) sumex <- loadL1K(sl[seq_len(978), seq_len(131)]) set.seed(100) ts <- Rtsne(t(SummarizedExperiment::assays(sumex)[[1]]), perplexity = 10) tsne_plot <- data.frame(x = ts$Y[,1], y = ts$Y[,2], treatment = sumex$pert_iname, plate = sumex$rna_plate) ggplot(tsne_plot) + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = plate)) + labs(x = "TSNE X", y = "TSNE Y") + theme(axis.title = element_text(face = "bold", color = "gray")) ## ---- fig.width=6-------------------------------------------------------- ggplot(tsne_plot) + geom_point(aes(x = x, y = y, color = treatment)) + labs(x = "TSNE X", y = "TSNE Y") + theme(axis.title = element_text(face = "bold", color = "gray")) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # sl1 <- Slinky(key, gctx1, info1) # sl2 <- Slinky(key, gctx2, info2) # ix <- which(match(rownames(sl1), rownames(sl2))) # ix.na <- which(is.na(ix)) # sl1 <- sl1[-ix.na, ] # ix <- ix[-ix.na] # sl2 <- sl2[ix,] # sl <- cbind(sl1, sl2) #