# RNA-Seq parameters - RnaSeqParam The final set of parameters we need to define encapsulate the __AnnotParam__ and __BamParam__ and detail how the read summarization should be performed. __simpleRNASeq__ supports A) 2 modes of counting: 1. by read 2. by bp the latter of which, was the default counting method the __easyRNASeq__ function. Due to the more complex implementation required, the non-evidence of increase in counting accuracy and the extended support of the _read-based_ approach by the mainstream, standardised _Bioconductor_ package has led the _read_ method to be the default in __simpleRNASeq__. Due to lack of time for maintenance and improvement, the _bp-based_ method is also not recommended. over B) 4 feature types: exon, transcript, gene or any __feature__ provided by the user. The latter may be for example used for counting reads in promoter regions. Given a flattened transcript structure - as created in a previous section - summarizing by _transcripts_ or _genes_ is equivalent. __Note that using a non flattened annotation with any feature type will result in multiple counting!!__ _i.e._ the product of a single mRNA fragment will be counted for every features it overlap, hence introducing a significant __bias__ in downstream analyses. Given a flattened transcript structure, summarizing by exon enables the use of the resulting count table for processes such as differential exon usage analyses, as implemented in the __DEXSeq__ package. For the Robinson, Delhomme _et al._ dataset, we are interested in the gene expression, hence we create our __RnaSeqParam__ object as follows: ```{r rnaSeqParam} rnaSeqParam <- RnaSeqParam(annotParam = annotParam, bamParam = bamParam, countBy = "genes", precision = "read") ``` ____